Subject: Most potent milk thistle


Good morning! Happy Friday.

I woke up to this email and had to share it:

"Thank you so much for this information you provide. My husband was at
deaths door, basically. His triglycerides were above 5000! His blood sugars
between 300-600 and this was while taking Levemir insulin 75 units morning
and night, plus 20 units regular insulin!"

"He was eating the diets Dr's gave him, too. He had high blood pressure and
diagnosed with right sided heart failure."

With everything The Peoples Chemist has said to do his
blood sugars are now 80-130, blood pressure normal and not showing
signs of the heart failure anymore."

"Plus, he is off all the many meds Dr's had put him on."

"So to all of the cry babies and stupid b!+€3$, read the info and utilize
it correctly not half ass. If you choose not to believe what's being said
your loss."

That last part was in response to hateful responses she read on
Facebook...People may not like that my all natural medicines work better
than fistfuls of expensive prescription drugs, but they can't deny the

This fan's husband was benefitting from an ultra-potent form of cinnamon
and milk thistle that I seel as "CINNERGY!"

...And when you combine Cinnergy with my free 18-minute
workout and diet set forth in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, amazing
things happen: You get your life back.

Anyone can start using Cinnergy. You don't have to be sick...If you drink
alcohol, consume excess sugar or choke down prescription drugs, Cinnergy
is your life vest in a sea of liver toxins.

Start using it now at

Dare to live young! And enjoy your Friday!

The People's Chemist