Subject: ~Most Toxic Prenatal Vitamin!

What's the worst pill mom could take?

Vitamin D. Period.

Crazy, right?

All true, though.

Still, vitamin D has been relentlessly recommended to pregnant moms.
They tell them, " it's how you prevent rickets, a paralyzing, bone-softening disease
that could otherwise be the result of the mother's malnutrition.

But it's bullshit.

The plethora of sunshine hormones (secosteroids) produced by the skin and
those found naturally in cod liver oil cured rickets, not synthetic vitamin
D pills.

Don't let doctors fool you on this! Vitamin D pills didn't even exist in the
early days of curing the paralyzing illness.

Purveyors of the vitamin D myth have the Big Pharma marketing noose firmly
around their neck—and probably don't even know it. Overall, vitamin D
science is sloppy because it fails to distinguish between the benefits of
sensible sun exposure and of man-made vitamin D, taken orally. It's all a
ploy to slip drugs into the mainstream without having to undergo the
exhaustive and pricey FDA approval process.

Proponents argue that many mothers, as well as their children, suffer from
a vitamin D deficiency, causing a myriad of illnesses ranging from immune
dysfunction, cancer, heart disease, and depression to coughing, being fat
and ugly, and a host of other ills. However, the vitamin D test was
designed for moms to fail, as a gimmick to sell the drug without FDA
approval. Furthermore, not a single study proves that the lack of synthetic
vitamin D is a causative factor in any of the above diseases!

Think about that!

Even my wife, who is the epitome of health, failed the test each of the
FOUR times she was pregnant. That's because today's definition of optimal
vitamin D levels has been artificially raised to convert healthy people
into vitamin D patients.

This was confirmed in the report by the Institute of Medicine. In it,
researchers showed that the optimal blood levels of vitamin D being
promoted today are three times greater than the average levels recorded in
the blood of healthy individuals who are regularly exposed to sun.

This report supported similar findings throughout history. Hence, the
underlying message to raise your levels with pills to avoid a deficiency is
profit- driven and designed to benefit Big Pharma instead of public health.

Most people have no idea!

Prior to vitamin D being promoted as a vitamin, Bell Laboratories
manufactured their version as rat poison—Quintox. "Baits containing large
quantities of vitamin D are used very effectively as rodenticides,” wrote
the University of Colorado, as if warning the medical community. Containing
less than 8 percent vitamin D per serving, Quintox can kill a rat in one to
four days. That same formula was later packaged as a "vitamin” for human
consumption. Therefore, by FDA drug-approval standards, vitamin D wouldn't
make it past clinical trials if it were treated like the drug it is.

The danger of man-made vitamin D is simple—excessive use of oral Vitamin
D can create a buildup in the body through a process called
bioaccumulation. This festering can then cause a condition known as
hypercalcemia, which can lead to kidney failure, central nervous system
depression, heart failure, and more—all signs of parathyroid dysfunction.
Moreover, in research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology
Metabolism, scientists showed that synthetic vitamin D consumption may
depress bone turnover to some degree when taken by humans, therefore
weakening the skeletal system.

Ignoring vitamin D's history and biochemistry, many nutritionists have
seemingly abandoned science to join the vitamin D circus. For example,
nutrition guru Jonny Bowden is a cheerleader for Vitamin D pills, which he
often pushes as a "nontoxic cure-all, akin to water!” Yet he doesn't
understand that, unlike with water, even small, daily ingestion of vitamin
D becomes dangerous to mom and baby as repeated use over time gives way to
side effects.

Fortunately, the intelligence of our hormonal system protects us from
toxicity. All-natural sunshine on our skin provides Vitamin D to our
bodies. This is achieved by rapidly breaking down the vitamin D-like
compounds in the skin, which explains why nobody has ever been damaged by
natural vitamin D production!

So what vitamins do moms need? The better question is what nutrients to
mom and baby need?

Starting as a single cell, most babies are growing horrifically deficient in
hundreds of micronutrients responsible for proper growth. Fortunately,
nature has a fix!

Learn about the simple morning blend of yeast that every mom should be
taking in my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If you're taking vitamin D now, ditch it! Learn how to make a nutritionally
rich drink with my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded:

P.P.S. Whey Advanced and raw milk are a must-have for the entire
family! Stock up at - LOW STOCK ALERT