Subject: ~Most Important Food for Kids!

Aubrey and Skyler Live On Whey Advanced 
Aubrey is 1 year old and Skyler 2.  Best friends, they love going everywhere together.  Enemies to the end, they hate sharing.  But when it comes down to it, they make each other laugh more than anyone else alive.  They have something special, for sure.

Like all four of my kids, the staple of their diet - after moms milk - is Whey Advanced (in raw milk or water).  The only TRULY natural form of milk proteins available today, Whey Advanced provides them with "hormone intelligence."

Young, old, athlete or couch potato, if you enjoy breathing, you need to understand hormone intelligence.  

As a graduate student studying medicinal chemistry almost 20 years ago, I came across a unique discovery late one night sifting through the library…One that had been buried and forgotten in some of the oldest chemistry journals to date…One that could wipe away premature illness…all of them. It was a science I eventually termed “hormone intelligence.”

Hormone intelligence refers to a body that is balancing and producing its own set of age-defying, healing hormones at the right time of day, in the right dose and in the proper ratio with respect to others....

Essentially hormone intelligence forces your body to become its own pharmacy, producing the absolute safest, most unique medicine specific to you and you alone...AMAZING.

And it all happens when you take in the proper amount of amino acids and proteins that come from Whey Advanced (…

This pharmacy is the Holy Grail. Ask any athlete who has tapped into it by training at high altitudes...

Athletes who train at high altitude perform better when they go back to sea level. This performance enhancing technique is the result of optimizing hormone intelligence. It lasts about two weeks courtesy of the “internal pharmacy” producing the hormone known as erythropoietin (EPO), which helps athletes take in more oxygen and therefore compete longer and harder.

Taken to extremes, athletes will draw their blood, store it, and then inject it back into their body for a quick boost of EPO. The military also uses it, they call it “blood loading.”

I'm only telling you this to illustrate HOW AMAZING THE BODY IS AT PRODUCING LIFESAVING HORMONES... 

There are millions, perhaps billions of them - only your body knows how to make them.  But you have to give it the RAW ingredients!  That's where milk proteins come it!  (And no, fucking almond milk doesn't count!  Gross...cane sugar being the first ingredient)

Whey Advanced provides all the building blocks from NATURE so your body can become its own personal pharmacy, healing you from the inside.

As Aubrey and Skyler play in the sun, the body will produce hormones to tan the skin and protect them...Even neurotransmitters will be made in response to the fun had at the park.  And so many more ensuring a lifetime of health and happiness...all thanks to milk proteins in!

Without these building blocks, the volume on life is turned down...Color goes to black and white.  

Want to start living vibrantly healthy with hormone intelligence?  Get Whey Advanced already! 

There's no sugar, no artificial flavors, no guar gum, no SOY ANYTHING!  See

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S.  Whey Advanced is the foundation of health.  Get it your diet asap and I promise you'll feel the difference in a week!

...Of course Aubrey and Skyler haven't been vaccinated!  None of my children have.  Are you kidding me?  I'm a chemist, I know what goes into that crap.  Plus, I know how an immune system works!  (In case you were wondering?:))

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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