Subject: ~Most Important Chemical Reaction In Your Body!

There are billions of chemical reactions that make up human function.

I’m only concerned with one.

It’s known as phosphorylation.

Forget memorizing that; it’s not even on your computer’s spell-check

All you need to know is that it’s the most important reaction for
increasing youthful energy at any age!

That's because phosphorylation increases your sensitivity to insulin.

The more sensitive you are to this hormone, the better you:

- Burn calories
- Control blood sugar (cure diabetes)
- Increase Lifespan

And you can have all three of these Cinnergy ( and
Whey Advanced (

Here’s why phosphorylation is so important:

When insulin is released by the pancreas, it races—faster than the speed of
light—to your muscle cells. When it reaches the exterior, our natural
intelligence guides it to its corresponding receptor on the cell’s outer membrane.

Once bound and clinging to the cell, the insulin-sensitive receptor undergoes the
phosphorylation reaction, which PULLS sugar and nutrients from
the blood!

What happens next is a testament to the power of your “hormonal intelligence”
and shows why it's the only escape from obesity.

As blood sugar and insulin are controlled by phosphorylation, your
energizing, fat loss, and anti-aging hormones begin to flood the body in the
proper amount, in the proper ratio, and at the right time of day. For
instance, your testosterone-to-estrogen ratios are optimized to allow for
increased muscle growth and fat metabolism, while protecting you from the
cancer dangers associated with estrogen dominance.

There's more...

During exercise, fat-melting hormones known as catecholamines are released
by your adrenal glands. At night, your levels of human growth hormone surge
to help your cells recover from daily stress and aging. When you eat, your
body becomes more sensitive to the hormones ghrelin and leptin, which means
that you don’t overeat, while at the same time you burn off calories more
readily via thermogenesis.

The list goes on, as a myriad of hormones that reduce inflammation, pain,
and your risk of heart disease and cancer are totally optimized, thanks to
phosphorylation and the hormone intelligence that follows!!!!!

Think you can remember all this?

Prolly not...but you can remember that your body needs phosphorylation for
insulin to work properly! And you can get that with Cinnergy
( and Whey Advanced (

The better your phosphorylation, the younger and thinner you remain. Just
as sun-deprived plants come to life when exposed to sunlight, malnourished
and dying cells are renewed by this single reaction.

If it is numb to insulin, the receptor does not elicit this essential reaction
when bound by insulin!!!!! All of the subsequent hormonal intelligence
ceases to exist, and you get bad blood along with belly fat. Sugar and
vital nutrients remain out of reach for the aging, insulin-resistant cell and
instead float in the bloodstream with nowhere to go.

If your dragging a$$ and need more youthful energy, you'll want Cinnergy ( and Whey Advanced (

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Daily Dose goes great with Cinnergy and Whey Advanced. A natural
anti-inflammatory, Daily Dose preserves memory, wards off cancer and
increases mental focus. Get all three at