Subject: Morgan Spurlock Poisoned By Red Yeast Rice!

Millions Poisoned By Red Yeast Rice. Not Virginia!

TV has always been a mindless diversion from reality.

Recently, I watched as Morgan Spurlock was filmed during a routine visit to his doctors office. His doctor warned him that his cholesterol was too high...Blah blah blah.

Like millions of other patients, he was given red yeast rice. He dutifully followed doctors orders and said he was going to check back later after taking the naturally occurring statin - poison.

The reality is that red yeast rice is suicide and high cholesterol is not a death sentence. In fact, high cholesterol helps you live longer!

The short story of Virginia is emblematic of how to live young without adhering to doctors orders.

At 71 years old, Virginia takes no prescription medications.

She walks without feeling any aches or pains. She has good results on her “life line” (medical) screenings, which show that she’s healthier than most her age...But, that’s not all.

Virginia is in better cardiovascular shape than people 10, 20, and even 30 years younger than her.

What’s her secret? For starters, Virginia keeps her wallet closed to supplement hucksters and pharmaceutical scams! She is smarter than the average, health-care consumer and doesn't mess with her cholesterol levels!

Red Yeast Rice Scam Avoided!

“I have very high cholesterol, so I was initially concerned about plaque,” says Virginia. “Even though I ate right, I couldn’t seem to get my numbers right. I didn't want to take prescriptions like Lipitor. I’ve always tried to do natural things to stay healthy. I had been taking red yeast rice – until I discovered that it was no good and did not prevent heart attacks.”

Sold as a “natural health supplement” that purportedly lowers cholesterol, red yeast rice is actually a cholesterol-lowering drug (statin) in disguise. It comes with dangerous side effects that simply aren’t worth the risk.

In nature, plants produce poisons to protect them from predators. This is adaptation for survival. Red yeast produces the drug known as lovastatin (as well as other chemicals).  Commercially, lovastatin is known as Mevacor. It was the first statin drug, released in 1987 by the U.S. government-influenced company named Merck. Using a technique known as “combinatorial chemistry,” other drug companies have since unleashed their own versions. These versions include Zocor, Lipitor, Pravachol and Crestor.

As a toxic agent, the consumption of lovastatin via red yeast rice leads to sickness and in some cases, death. Lovastatin’s (and all other statin drugs) toxicity is attributed to its ability to block cholesterol, testosterone and CoQ10 production.

Low levels of cholesterol and CoQ10 limit lifespan in humans. In 2005, the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society showed that elderly people with low levels of total cholesterol were approximately twice as likely to die as those with high cholesterol.

Because red yeast rice has cholesterol-lowering properties, greedy supplement companies have bottled it up and sold it as a health supplement. They pass all the risk onto you, while shamelessly collecting your money.

Unfortunately, popular cholesterol-lowering drugs like Lipitor continue to pushed as safe and effective. Lipitor has been shown to be grossly ineffective at preventing heart disease and actually decreases longevity.

Is High Cholesterol Even a Problem?

The sad part about all of this is “high cholesterol” is not even a real health problem. The drug industry has tricked EVERYONE into believing that having high cholesterol is a serious health issue. They’ve fooled doctors and patients alike into believing that heart disease is caused by high cholesterol.

Cholesterol does NOT cause heart disease!

The term “hypercholesterolemia” was invented by the drug industry to convince otherwise healthy people that they have a disease called “high cholesterol.” This fake disease causes no fever, no coughing, no labored breathing, no heart palpitations, no hormone imbalance, no pain, no nothing! ...But millions have been tricked into thinking they have it.

On top of that, not a single cholesterol-lowering drug has ever been proven to help you live longer. Why? Because cholesterol is not the problem.  It is the solution...The higher it is, the better off you are!

Why, then, do consumers waste billions of dollars buying and swallowing cholesterol-lowering drugs?

Forget the Cholesterol Myth

Forget about high cholesterol – it’s nothing you should worry about. Centuries of scientific research findings show that high cholesterol is protective rather than detrimental.

Instead, you should be more concerned with protecting your arteries from damage. Your arteries are responsible for delivering nutrients and blood throughout your entire body. If you want to prevent heart attack and stroke, your best bet is to keep your arteries healthy.

The REAL culprit behind heart disease is when your artery walls become rigid, and the heart weakens. This can lead to heart failure and/or cardiovascular disease.

Cardio FX Strengthens Arteries, Keeps Blood Pressure Normal, and Bulletproofs Your Cardiovascular System

Virginia is no longer afraid of cholesterol.  Instead, she has made her cardiovascular system bulletproof with Cardio FX. Cardio FX enhances health and longevity by three key mechanisms:

  • Controls blood pressure
  • Stops unruly blood clots
  • Strengthens the heart

All of these benefits lead to less inflammation, more energy and better quality of life.

“I believe I happened upon The People’s Chemist from an e-mail,” says Virginia. “I started taking Cardio FX and noticed that I could exercise easier without any pains in my chest. I always take it before I walk.”

“My last life line screening was very good,” she continues. “My readings were still mild for plaque in arteries, even though my cholesterol remains at 335. My C-reactive protein levels were good, as well as my blood pressure. My last C-Reactive protein level was .59 – the lowest it’s ever been. My carotid artery level was mild. My cholesterol is 335, and my blood pressure is 120/80. I am 71 and try to walk every day when weather permits.

Virginia is doing great. As long as she continues taking Cardio FX, she’ll be protecting herself from stroke and heart attack – WITHOUT any dangerous side effects. She doesn’t even need to worry about high cholesterol.

Begin Repairing Your Arteries with Cardio FX!

I’m a true believer in The People’s Chemist products,” Virginia says. “Even though money is tight, I will keep paying for them, as my last life line screening showed that what I’m doing is clearly working.”

The moment Virginia started taking Cardio FX, she began bulletproofing her heart against a deadly disease that kills many people in their 70s, 60s, and even 50s. Those unfortunate souls are often trapped into believing that cholesterol-lowering drugs are the answer. They’re not.

Taking Cardio FX is one of the smartest moves any 71-year-old could make.

If you’d like to heal your arteries, strengthen your heart, and get the best “insurance policy” against heart disease – order Cardio FX.

Regardless of your cholesterol levels, you’ll never have to fear heart disease ever again!

Learn More at:

Shane Ellison
The People’s Chemist