Subject: More natural cures for you!


Quick update for you, sorry for the template, but it's important...

While writing my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, I exposed
a wildly potent cancer buster that costs about $8 per month. I
wrote about it extensively and it has changed lives. I left some
information out though! There are ways to make that cancer
buster more potent. And even more exciting, other cancer busters
exist that are all-natural and inexpensive. I documented them
during the writing process. And I’m going to teach you about
them in an exclusive online seminar with 9 other health and
medicine experts.

The title:

Can You Fight Cancer with “$6”
Nutrient Logic: The New Way to Fight Cancer Naturally

By Shane Ellison, M.S
Author, Organic Chemist

About the presenter:

Shane Ellison is the author of the new book, Over-The
Counter-Cures (October 2009, SourceBooks). He has a master’s
degree in organic chemistry from Northern Arizona University and
is a two-time recipient of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical
Institute Research Grant for his studies in biochemistry and
physiology. As a medicinal chemist he worked for Array Biopharma
and Eli Lilly. He has been quoted by USA Today, Shape, Woman’s
World, as well as Women’s Health and has served as guest
speaker for large corporations like BP and appeared on Fox News
as a natural health advocate.


The natural cancer cure camp is always promoting wide-eyed
theories. But very little is based on science. It’s mostly
hype and hope. The same can be said of the conventional medicine
camp. Inundated with the barrage of information and choices,
most people simply get scared and either “jump” the border or
get “chemo.” Very few realize what the hell they’re doing
or why they are doing it. In this wake of blind faith, such
decisions can be more dangerous than cancer. Don’t roll the
dice with your life. Whatever you choose in your avoidance or
fight against cancer, make sure it’s done with logic, not
emotion. The wrong choice can be the difference between life and
death. While every cancer differs in type, stage, and required
treatment (natural or otherwise), Shane “The People’s Chemist
will highlight “universal cancer truths” that can arm you
with the logic needed to make the right choice for preventing and
overcoming cancer.

Here are just a few things you will learn:

- Understand the “Chemo Cover-up”
- Why I don’t like Suzanne Somers new book on cancer
- Learn how your body fights cancer
- Learn how to make Cancer Busters more potent
- Learn about the bark that carries the ingredients that remove
skin cancer
- Learn about the exotic tea that stops blood cancers in its
- Learn how these natural cures slow the aging process
- Learn why you don’t have to fear cancer
- Lots more…

This seminar is being hosted by The Holistic Health Virtual
Conference. Learn about it below and how to sign up.

Note: I am presenting INDEPENDENTLY. I am not associated with
the message of any other expert. My work - as presented during
the hour - will be worth the entire cost of this seminar, and
then some! If you value an active lifestyle late into life, it
will be perfect for you. And, you will most likely get some
words of real wisdom from the other contributors.

The Holistic Health Virtual Conference speakers are experts on
their topics who aren’t afraid to buck the establishment. They
understand that health is about more than lab tests and
government regulations. They understand that health and wellness
means paying attention to the whole person, and not just the
person’s symptoms. And even more importantly, each and every
one of the Holistic Health Virtual Conference speakers is “in
the trenches,” working to educate the public and make a
positive difference in the lives of their patients and clients.
The Holistic Health Virtual Conference speakers include:

Daniel Amen, MD, Renowned author of 23 books and numerous
PBS specials, on “Change Your Brain, Change Your Body”

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, Author of 30 books on
nutrition, health, and beauty, on “Detox for Health, Beauty,
and Weight Loss”

Steven Hotze, MD, Author and health radio host, on “Signs
and Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance”

Charles Parker, DO, Author and neuroscientist, on
“Holistic Mental Health: Body-Mind Biology”

Rodger Murphree, D.C., C.N.S., Author and chiropractic
physician, on “The Medical Myths of Heart Disease”

Nancy Desjardins, R.N.C.P., Author and Nutritional
Consultant, on “How To Quickly and Naturally End Your Sugar and
Food Cravings”

Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, MS, Author and
chemist, on “Can $6 a Month Cure Cancer?”

Kelley Herring, MBA, Author and editor, on “Food As
Medicine: Protect Your Hormonal Harmony with the Power of Your

Jennifer Koretsky, Author, coach, and conference organizer,
on “Stress Management for Better Health”

You can be among the few who attend this event from the comfort
of your home. But hurry and sign up. Spots are limited due to

Dare to Live Young,
Shane Ellison, M.S.
Author, Organic Chemist