Subject: ~More fun naked?

As a medicinal chemist, I ignored my suspicion that inexpensive, natural
products could replace most of today’s most popular medications. I en-
joyed my work. Drug design paid well and kept me comfortably isolated in a
high-tech lab fully equipped to help me bend and twist matter at will.

The last thing I wanted to think was that my laboratory creations could be
easily rivaled by inexpensive, readily available botanical medicine.
But over time, experience confirmed my suspicion as fact.

It revealed that select nutrients, not drugs, can help everyone beat
infectious disease, heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, depression,
obesity, and more. But to truly understand this, you would have to enjoy
chemistry like I do.

I like a lot of things. Watching my wife do squats, teaching my kids how to
ace their tests, aviation, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are at the top of my
list. But chemistry has held my interest longer than all of these. If you
knew it like I do, you’d be intrigued, too.

Chemistry tells real-life stories. It explains how brunettes are converted
to blondes within a few hours at the beauty salon. It explains why a long,
hard drag off a Marlboro feels better than a nicotine patch or swallowing
Chantix—a drug designed to stop cigarette cravings. It explains how a
nuclear bomb could draw the final curtain on mankind. And it shows how one
small molecular difference determines the sex of our children.

Chemistry hides nothing. It strips life naked. And since everything is more
fun naked, chemistry is proof that this matter-manipulating science isn’t
as bad as your geeky high-school science teacher made it out to be. When
you understand its elaborate stories, chemistry becomes your compass. And
it can guide you and your entire family to vibrant health.

The only way for you to harness the power of chemistry is to read
Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded, period. If you're a parent
without this knowledge, you're in rough seas, without a navigation aid.

Stock up wherever books are sold or order now at:

In addition to feeding your mind, feed your body the nutrients it needs to
stifle inflammation, preserve memory and curb the risk of cancer with

In the last 3 months, The People's has skyrocketed in
popularity. And this flood of new fans has proven that most people have
absolutely no idea how to preserve their health and live young...they
NEED Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded, without exception!

In total, this book is about two things: chemistry and what it means to be
a vibrantly healthy family. I will show you how science—the observation
of reproducible results—and its application can yield better life experi-
ences. With Over-the-Counter Natural Cures, you and your family can learn
how to be fully present and forever young—without the encum- brance of
daily medications, illness, pain, low energy, and debt—and experience the
full power of life in surging momentum, rather than wake up one day to
realize that it blew by.

The experience of watching your wife transform into the undying spirit of
creation to give birth. The experience of watching your son wrestle with
his indomitable imagination to draw you pictures as a gesture of
unconditional love. Older yet, you watch your daughter read your bedtime
stories to her children, as they become enamored with Max, the kid who
wears the wolf suit to bed.

Imagine the years passing with no experience left behind, your health
strengthening and your bonds with family tightening over time. Every day
makes you richer with memories. When you experience good health, aging
becomes a gift of experience rather than a dreadful curse. That’s what
makes this book priceless—it tells the real story of chemistry, which
proves you’re never too old to live young.

Start now with Daily Dose and Over-The-Counter Natural Cures at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Post, share, forward to help others live young, med-free! It's time
to ditch the meds!