Subject: ~More Powerful Than El Chapo...

El Chapo (AKA “Shorty”) is the Mexican drug lord who headed the Sinaloa
Cartel. With a net worth of $1 billion in 2011, he was named the 10th
richest man in Mexico. The United States Department of the Treasury calls
him “the most powerful drug trafficker in the world.”

But, they're wrong.

Purdue Pharma is the most powerful drug trafficker in the world...and the

Purdue Pharma is the maker of oxycontin (AKA Oxycodone). If you don’t
already know, this is the drug that was falsely advertised and falsely
prescribed while making it’s dealers billions.

It’s currently killing more people than heroin and cocaine, combined.

...Even kids have fallen victim.

The New York Times quoted Teresa Ashcraft, who lost her son Robert at age
19 due to an overdose.

“Our children were not drug addicts, they were typical teenagers. We have
been given a life sentence due to their [Purdue Pharma’s] lies and

Reporting on Purdue’s crimes in 2007, the New York Times wrote:

“Initially, Purdue Pharma contended that OxyContin, because of its
time-release formulation, posed a lower threat of abuse and addiction to
patients than do traditional, shorter-acting painkillers like Percocet or

“That claim became the linchpin of the most aggressive marketing campaign
ever undertaken by a pharmaceutical company for a narcotic painkiller.”

The main problem? The claim that time-released was less addictive was
total bullshit and nobody questioned it…and when I wrote about this 12
years ago in my book, Health Myths Exposed, publishers called me
crazy…doctors accused me of being a quack.

Meanwhile, Purdue Pharma pulled the strings of war to control poppy
fields in Afghanistan so they could pump out more oxycontin to the masses...

Since then, scores of American lives were torn apart, courtesy of addiction
and death.

Purdue Pharma basked in the profits.

“Just a few years after the drug’s introduction, annual sales reached
$1 billion. Purdue Pharma heavily promoted OxyContin to doctors like
general practitioners, who had often had little training in the treatment
of serious pain or in recognizing signs of drug abuse in patients.”

Eventually, authorities caught on to the scam. They launched an
investigation into Purdue and its executives — an investigation that
lasted for 5 years.

The New England Journal of Medicine wrote, “In 2007, the manufacturer of
OxyContin and three senior executives pleaded guilty to federal criminal
charges that they misled regulators, doctors, and patients about the risk
of addiction associated with opioids.”

The court found piles of evidence proving Purdue lied for profit.

According to the testimony of The Honorable John L. Brownlee, former U.S.
Attorney for the Western District of Virginia), “Purdue's OxyContin did
not offer a low risk way of reducing pain, as promised.”

…And what was the official punishment for this egregious assault on human

“These defendants were…ordered to perform 400 hours of community
service related to the prevention and treatment of prescription drug abuse,
and collectively paid $34.5 million in criminal fines.”

Community service for a crime this large? $34.5 million in fines? For
billionaires? That’s the equivalent of a school teacher paying a nickel
in fines…

The company itself was accused of “misbranding.”

Parents who had lost their children to oxycontin were outraged. They
“lambasted Purdue Pharma and its executives, saying they bore a
responsibility for those deaths. They also urged Judge Jones to throw out
the plea agreements and send the executives to jail.”

The courts didn’t listen.

That’s because we are one nation under drugs.

Big Pharma collectively funds the same organizations that are supposed
to protect you…

This should scare you.

The Honorable John L. Brownlee concluded: “I believe that the plea
agreements and the resulting finding of guilt against the corporate
officials will serve as a strong warning to executives of other
pharmaceutical companies that they, too, will be expected to exercise the
highest standard of care and diligence in the supervision and management of
company activities and the actions of their subordinates to avoid the
potential for appearance in a Federal courtroom to face criminal

Clearly, there’s nothing honorable about John L. Brownlee…

America’s opiate addiction continues to grow at a frightening pace.

Today we’re in the midst of the largest overdose epidemic in the world,
courtesy of oxycontin and other so-called “safe” prescription drugs.
And the dealers are still roaming free.

The three “senior executives” who were found guilty in 2007 included:

“Michael Friedman, the company’s president, who agreed to pay $19
million in fines.”

“Howard R. Udell, its top lawyer, who agreed to pay $8 million.”

“Dr. Paul D. Goldenheim, its former medical director, who agreed to pay
$7.5 million,” the NYT reported.

All of them are snakes.

Graduates of Ivy League schools, they now run lobbying groups, bribe
the government and fund major advertising firms and Hollywood
ad agencies…oh yea and advise the Department of Defense on how to
control poppy fields.

…The court case against Purdue proved to be a colossal waste of
taxpayers’ time and money.

Not a single Purdue executive, owner, manager, employee, or associate ever
went to prison.

As of 2017, Purdue Pharma is still in business and even today, their ads
still boast that they have “a safer version of oxycontin.”

Currently, Purdue Pharma is owned by “the Sackler family,” who were
were added to Forbes 2015 list of America’s Richest Families — coming
in at a whopping $14 billion. They’ve been lauded for their contributions
to institutions like the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

“Sackler family members were never charged,” says Forbes.

If anything is to be learned from Oxycontin, it’s that even the worst
meds can sail past the wafer thin protective layer of the U.S. Government.

The only way to protect your family is to ditch the meds! Learn how with
my free report, 3 Worst Meds at

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Today Americans are being poisoned — legally — due to medical
ghostwriting and checkbook science, courtesy of the above CEOs... and not a
single one of them went to jail. If that doesn’t outrage you, there’s
no hope for you.

P.P.S. For a SAFE, non-addictive pain relief solution…try This is my natural painkilling supplement designed to
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