Subject: ~More Omega-3 Biobabble

"Millions may be moved to tears by omegas," says a new article by "A daily dose of omega-3s improved the symptoms of dry eye
syndrome by 105% in a new study."

Yeah…and a daily dose of cow patties slapped in your face would give
you a great makeover, too.

"During the study, conducted at the Advanced Eye Centre in Chandigarh,
India, researchers gave 60 patients with untreated moderate dry eye disease
either a daily dose of 1.2gm of omega-3 or a vitamin E placebo for 12
weeks. The study's authors wrote that improvements were ‘statistically
significantly greater' in the patients who received the omegas," said the

I don't know about you, but I'm quite sure India is ripe for trial
manipulation courtesy of pharmaceutical dollars…

Positive spin on omega-3s is usually quickly followed by a crafty sales
ploy to sell synthetic omega-3 pills. This one is no exception.

NOBODY needs highly refined omega-3s from a pill.


First of all, omega-3 fatty acids can be found in generous amounts in
servings of grass-fed meat, whole eggs, wild-caught fish and pemmican. You
got it! The things you love, that taste amazing (and maybe your doctor told
you to avoid) are much better than their "pill counterparts."

Food source omega-3 fats are accompanied with a host of micronutrients and
other healthy fats that are required for increased lifespan. By themselves,
omega-3 fats (in the form of pills) are hollowed versions of Mother Nature.

Secondly, using processed omega-3 pills for "dry eye syndrome" is just
stupid. It sabotages the rest of your health. It's like cutting your hand
off to make your too-small jacket fit better. The risks outweigh the

Stay away from toxic supplements (including fish oil supplements) claiming
to have omega 3's…and instead, stick with Rosita cod liver oil, which is
loaded with naturally occurring, beneficial nutrients.

And to improve eye health and vision naturally, see the related chapter in
my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition.

In it, I discuss how you can use one simple nutrient to boost the dyes in
your eye, which act as protective antioxidants and light filters. By
preserving your visual anatomy with nutrient logic, you ward off common eye

It's a MUST-READ chapter for anyone who wants to preserve their eye health

"Dry eye syndrome affects up to one-third of the world's population,
causing itchy, stinging eyes and sensitivity to light. If left untreated,
it can impair vision, and in extreme cases, cause blindness," says NewHope.

Don't let the fear-mongering scare you. Simply equip your eyes with the
right nutrients to assist in optimal eye health.

Order book here:

And remember — REFUSE to swallow synthetic omega-3 pills!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Supplement hucksters will use ANY excuse to sell you a processed form
of a nutrient, including omega-3's. You don't need these in pill form…as
they do more damage than good. Learn more about the natural cure for
failing vision by reading Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition