Subject: ~More Labor Day Celebrations!


On a cold, stormy afternoon in the winter of 2001... I had a moment of
clarity. I had just quit my job as a pharmaceutical chemist and was driving
across Colorado in an over-sized U-Haul. I made it to Wolf Creek Pass and the
snow was coming down in sheets.

That’s when it all started.

As I creeped over the storm-struck, mountainous terrain, I naturally
reflected on my life. And I landed on one question:

If I slipped off this mountain, what would I want to leave behind?

My thoughts turned to my future. Then to my family...I wondered what would
they need from me most?

Then I realized that I had spent over 10 years learning chemistry and
medicine. How could I use this to help the fruits of my life’s labor
last -- and grow -- for generations to come?

I knew, then and there, that I had to do something... I had to keep
designing medicine that maximized longevity - the exact opposite of what I
was doing for Big Pharma.

What better gift could I offer?

More than anything in the world, we all want more time - more Labor Day
parties, more “first days of school,” more “early morning coffee
while watching the sunrise, before the kids wake up, more “kisses

And that's what the right kind of medicine can offer...

Sadly though, more time isn’t a reality for most. Many people are losing
time. Now, more than any other time in history, our lifespan is
diminishing due to bad health and ineffective medicines...

Prescription drug deaths, obesity and high blood pressure and elevated
blood sugar are a national emergency, stealing 11-20 years from people
alive today!

What could you do with an extra 11-20 years?

If you suffer from any of this, it’s a personal emergency.

Fortunately for me, I conquered the treacherous mountain pass. And ever
since then, I’ve been designing and making medicine for my family...This
has allowed them to conquer the epidemic of illness. And it will enable
future generations to do so as well.

That feels good...But I still have LOTS more work to do, which is another

But thus far, while helping my family live young, I’ve also made my
products and education available to the public so they could live
young...So they wouldnt have to let go of the memories that come with
having an extra 11-20 years of life!

Obviously, this is to make a living too, but without the desire to truly
help the ones I loved, my drive wouldn’t have lasted. There are easier
ways to make money than going up against Goliath...But, nothing can compare
to helping people live longer, better.

And since heart health and weight are the biggest measures of health, these
testimonials reflect how people are living younger...

You should read them so that you understand what is possible!

No More Blood Pressure Pills

"I work the night shift and after getting into my 40s, I had been feeling
dizzy with the constant hot flush of high blood pressure. I was beginning
to fear how much longer I'd be around."
"I've never been a fan of doctors to begin with and the thought of leaving
his office with a new prescription in hand, didn't fill me with joy. I
didn't want my quality of life to be tied down to a medication." 

"I was lucky enough to come across the The People's Chemist
( and found out about Cardio FX
( Now my blood pressure is under control and I'm not
dizzy anymore."

"I also started taking Serotonin FX about the same time to help me relax,
naturally. Even though I still work nights, I feel fresh and alert now.
Even my memory has improved! Anyway, I love the products and the
confidence they give me that my health is protected. Thank you!" 

-Glenn W., Sydney, Australia

[Sleeping like a drunken bum naturally]

They Said My Blood Pressure Was Perfect

"Your CardioFX is awesome. For the past 4-5 years, every time I went to the
dr. or dentist they would always say "do you know you have high blood
pressure" and I would just say yes. I went recently and they took my blood
pressure and didnt say anything to me for once and I asked "how is my blood
pressure" and the nurse said "its perfect".....haha!"

-J.B. Houston

Firefighter Puts Out High Blood Pressure

“I had what docs call high blood pressure for 10 years, about 160 over
110. I’ve always exercised and was able to lose some weight but my BP
would never go down. My doctor had insisted I start taking a prescription,
so I ‘followed’ doctor’s orders. For the 6 months I took the meds, I
felt lethargic, had no sex drive and my weight continued to climb. I knew I
had to get off them. About a year ago I found out about The People’s
Chemist and began to take Cardio FX instead. After 2 months of Cardio FX
and exercise, my BP had come down to 130/90, where it has remained ever
since. No doctor can argue with results. I am a Retired NYC Firefighter and
stand by this product.”
Neil – Retired NYC Firefighter

Getting Noticed for Dropping the Fat

..." I went to visit my Chiropractor, for my quarterly maintenance (these
days I can get away with going quarterly instead of monthly), and he was
very impressed with my health improvements. He told me that when I walked
in, I looked so different, he was surprised. First it was my face, and how
much brighter and healthier I looked, and how much happier I seemed, then
he looked at my body, and noticed the weight loss." 

[Total fat loss program that alters hormones for the better at]

Why Prescription Drugs Won’t Save You

In my family, the rule is, don’t take medications unless you’ve been
dragged to the hospital. Outside of an emergency or life-threatening
illness, Western medicine can’t save you....not from threatening blood
pressure levels, obesity or even raging blood sugar levels...

But natural medicine can....when it’s designed right and used in the
proper combinations.

Measurable results don’t lie.

CardioFX plummets blood pressure and also stops clotting and strengthens
the heart.

[Preserve and repair your cardiovascular system:]

Get your ideal weight in 90 days with

Cinnergy causes blood sugar to drop to normal, fast, like a broken elevator
cable. Take too much and you’ll get dizzy from low blood sugar.

[Stop aging, smooth our wrinkles]

...The list goes on and on. And I want you to start learning about your

Begin by visiting our store and selecting a product to watch a 1-minute
video that explains how they can help you live young, with measurable

Dare to live young!

The People’s Chemist