Subject: ~Mom of 4 Ditched Sleep Meds for This...

I value sleep like I value my life…without it, it’s impossible for me
to be at the top of my game. I can’t control my appetite, I can’t
focus on writing, flying long distances is nearly impossible and I can’t
crush The 18-Min Workout (free APP on phone)…

For more than a decade, I’ve guaranteed deep sleep with Serotonin FX
( It’s the definitive way to get deep, restful
sleep…and it works better than sleep meds!

In fact, Serotonin FX is one of my fastest working, most potent products,

Take it after dinner and within an hour your head will start getting heavy
and you'll be ready for a pillow...and better, you'll feel terrific the next morning!

Mary from New York had been taking Ambien (also known as Zolpidem)...

She didn't wake up feeling good...Like millions of users, she was feeling the
negative effects…

“I have had scripts for Ambien for several years now…I never take it
more than once or twice a week, but ALWAYS wake up a bit fuzzy.”

This “fuzzy” feeling is a common side effect of Ambien and other sleep
meds. It’s a sign that the sleep pill didn’t do its job.

…I mean, how the f#&k can a pill be called a “sleep med” if it
doesn’t actually help people attain restful sleep?!

The whole point of sleep is to REST and wake up refreshed!

Mary used Serotonin FX (

“I’ve never been very good at putting thoughts into words, but I’ll
make an attempt…With Serotonin FX, I ALWAYS wake up clear-headed and
ready to tackle — no enjoy — the day. And I really do sleep like a
drunken bum (smiling). I smile a lot and even laugh quite often. A bottle
of Serotonin FX lasts maybe a month and a half for me. Ambien doesn’t
hold a candle to it,” she says.


Serotonin FX forces your body to get deep, restful REM sleep. That’s
exactly what I designed it to do — leave the user feeling energized and
refreshed, so they can face the day.

Because Serotonin FX helps your brain produce its own “happy
molecules,” you’re left with better memory, focus, and enhanced
mood…maybe even a better personality.

Unlike Ambien and other “sleep meds,” Serotonin FX was designed to be
100% free from side effects. It works WITH your body, not against it. This
fast-acting formula triggers the simultaneous production of deep sleep and
anti-aging hormones.

By getting good quality sleep (courtesy of www.Get, you
actually become “younger,” hormonally.

Not so with Ambien…it butchers sleep, makes you groggy, and ages you
faster. It’s so damaging that commercial pilots aren’t even allowed to
use it before flights, because it poses a serious safety hazard.

“Thanks so much for your genuine care of the human race. I love your
rantings. I personally love all the swearing and was told often I have a
potty mouth. I, too, have 4 children…all home births,” says Mary.

Remember: Sleeping pills (like Ambien) don’t produce quality sleep. At
best, they’ll make you feel groggy. At worst, you’ll wake up feeling
like you’ve been hit by a bus…and you’ll go through your day like a

Don’t risk getting poor quality sleep!!

Use, so you can experience the deepest, most
rejuvenating sleep of your life.

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Order 3 bottles of Serotonin FX and you’ll get 15% off
automatically! Stock up at: