Subject: Mom-in-Thong Photos


Most of us on this email list have gone to great lengths to be healthy and fit. But few have had results. that's why many people have flocked to my Web site - to get results fast. Even my wife has made some amazing strides. And during this time, she has been an insipration to thousands of women. But she is continuing to Go Big. And if you sign up as a friend on facebook (search Shane Ellison) I'll send you some shocking update photos of her.

In 24 hours, the mom of two will be standing on a stage in front of thousands of people - wearing nothing but a small bikini - to compete in the 2009 NPC USA Figure Championships. This is her biggest competition yet. If she wins she gets her pro card, which means more publicity and cash prizes. But that's not what's important.

Her desire to compete stems from her early days as a college student. She describes herself as a frumpy 145lb girl who just thought it was her “genetics.” She exercised, but the weight continued to come on like gangbusters. As she grew into her child bearing years, she was reminded that “having a great physique is impossible after children.” She didn’t lose hope. She knew she was better than that. Since then she has shattered this misconception.

After having two kids, she’s in the best shape of her life at 30 years old. She made a decision to stop lugging around sorry excuses for not being the fittest, healthiest and sexiest Mom she can be. She stopped limping through life and instead, defined a new one for herself as a “Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT)” woman.

Today, she teaches that anyone can do the same! If you’re not feeling and looking your best, you are better than that. You’re not getting any younger, but that doesn’t mean it has to show. HIT women:

- age slower
- have abundant energy
- and burn fat while building and preserving muscle day and night

Popular media and self-appointed health guru’s (who are fat) insist that being a few pounds overweight isn’t a health threat. They’d rather sell us vitamin D sprays, funky fish oils or outlandish blood pressure lowering supplements. But we all know that fat covers our true physique, making us appear flabby, weaker and less toned. It imprisons our body, depriving us of our confidence, self-esteem and overall outlook on life.

Do what my wife did! Become a "Momshell." Be relentless; be who you really are. Get some balls and fight fat right back! Force your fat to sweat. Force your fat to build muscle. Force your fat to energize you. Force your fat to melt.

As your fat dissipates, your freedom grows. Your true physique emerges. People start to notice. Your spouse compliments you. There will be a point that you’ll have to buy smaller, better fitting clothes, even a new bathing suit. Curves and contours take shape. Confidence is free to breath and all other areas of your life get better! You learn that health is the new wealth. You are empowered.

So, join Lea-Ann - and other women of all ages - and become a HIT woman now. See her photos AND MANY MORE at