Subject: Mom in Flex AND Why This Fat Loss WORKS!

August 19th, 2009

From The Desk of The People's Chemist:

Warning! I'm about to be blunt.

You can't be overweight and healthy at the same time.

Your health and longevity are a direct result of your body fat percentage - and so is your "desirability factor."

I had to face these cold hard facts when I was a hefty 30% body fat! Today I'm 10%. I have the photos to prove it. In fact, I have A LOT of photos to prove how others have gotten lean, tight and sexy. BUT more importantly, I have photos to prove how they beat heart disease, insulin resistance, diabetes and got their health back! My "Fat and After" photos of Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) men and women are so outrageous, that "Dan" recently sent me an e-mail saying:

"I enjoy your articles, but can't believe you would stoop so low by putting other people's heads on a thin body."

Can you believe this? The transformations are so unique on The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery that people (Dan) think I'm chopping off heads!

You be the judge:

WHY The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery Works!

Time Magazine recently described hormone intelligence therapy (HIT) as "overlapping systems."

The hormones highlighted were ghrelin for its ability to turn off hunger, leptin for its ability to ward off excess fat, cholecystokinin to tell us when it's time to stop eating, human growth hormone to preserve skin and muscle tone, and many, many more that work in orchestra-like unison. When operating properly, the "systems" confer the perfect metabolism for low body fat and sexy, well defined muscle - at any age.

These systems are also the key to slowing the aging process.

Below is a recent photo of my wife featured in Flex. Congrats to the mom of two (and HIT woman) for placing 9th at US Nationals! Included is a quick outline showing how The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery package induces hormone intelligence therapy (HIT) - in case the picture isn't enough:

Level One: Displaces adenosine at receptor site. Key ingredients in The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery package work day and night to counteract adenosine, which in high amounts STUNTS FAT BURNING in favor of FAT STORING.

Level Two: Stimulates beta-adrenergic receptors. This converts fat to heat and energy. It makes your body use calories more efficiently and helps your body better respond to exercise.

Level Three: You will amplify your own production of norepinephrine and other compounds produced by the adrenals. HIT man and women bring adrenals back to life for 24/7 fat metabolism.

Level Four: Obliterate estrogen dominance in Men and Women and boost testosterone. This wards off insulin resistance and high blood sugar while at the same time brings a lame libido back to life.

Level Five: Activates hormone sensitive lipase. This enzyme activity will further help lower insulin and drastically plummet high blood sugar.

Level Six: Optimize your own output of human growth hormone (hGH). Unique amino acid blend provides the body with amino acid building blocks so that your internal pharmacy can produce a wide array of anti-aging hormones like hGH and testosterone.

Level Seven: Trigger your own production of "feel good molecules" that exist such as dopamine and ALL of its derivatives in unison for total mental health.

DANGER! If you are not dedicated and motivated you will waste your money. Wimps need not apply.

Investment: About $66.00 to $100 per month. Save over a hundred dollars today on the whole package! Never worry about your weight again. What would that be worth? Can you imagine it?

Learn if this fat loss program is right for you at