Subject: ~Mom Uses This to Protect Family from Allergies and Sickness!


When it comes to family, I always strive to give mine the
best...That means the best education. The best airplane. The best
food. And, of course, the best medicine.

Therefore, in addition to avoiding things like vitamin D and ascorbic acid,
I use Immune FX to put their immune system into overdrive. (

Now more than ever, kids are being attacked by allergies as well as
biological nasties that lead to the flu, strep throat, bronchitis and pneumonia.
These are all around my kids, but they've never suffered thanks

When any one of these strike, you need to make sure immunity is at it's
best. Unfortunately, there's no drug that can do it. And many parents are
wasting money and health on nasty stuff like Emergen-C and other
packets of crap loaded with synthetic vitamin D. When it comes to
strengthening the immune response, you can't trust your life to either one.

But you can trust it to Immune FX.

One mom proved it to herself just over a year ago.

"My almost six year old has had horrible allergies all his life. He has
seasonal allergies, severe food allergies, animal allergies and personally
I think he is allergic to the planet!"

"Every day of his life he's had something going on due to them. He has
never slept through a night without making this horrible sound in his
throat to itch it, sneezed, sniffed, coughed, barfed because of phlegm...
you name it!"

"During the day he was miserable too. As careful as I was with body and
household products, food and many other things, he still had all these
allergies. It got to the point where it was just becoming frustrating and
annoying for me as bad as that sounds."

"People would ask if I should just get allergy shots for him.
Never did. Never would. He would still be allergic all these things even if
I suppressed his reaction, not to mention if he is this sensitive, why
would I put harmful things in his system?"

"I ordered Immune FX and he wasn't able to swallow them so I bought the
very small (#3) empty capsules. We emptied the contents of the large
ones and filled the small and he swallows them no problem."

"Now, he sleeps all through the night without being restless, no
crying because his throat itches and sinuses burn. No sneezing, no
wheezing, no coughing. When we go around animals he no longer has a
reaction. No hives, no flaring up, nothing. I am impressed, thankful and
relieved. I have a feeling, I will send testimonials for everything we use
from TPC. Shane, thanks. AGAIN! Immune FX simple as that."

That was just over a year ago! I followed up recently to ensure that
her son was still doing fine...

"All kids are doing perfect! Even my oldest with the sinus problems that
disappeared after 5 days of Immune FX! Still no outbreaks! I'm still in shock
how he went from years of blowing his nose dozens of times a day to
NOTHING in 5 days. Eternally grateful to you."

Start protecting your family with ImmuneFX at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Immune FX also works for ridding your skin of psoriasis and other
skin diseases that result from weakened immunity!