Subject: ~Missing from most diets...

The one thing missing from most diet is healthy fats…

Breakfast, lunch and dinner...most people aren't getting the fats they
need for proper hormone function!

Healthy fats help your body better absorb lifesaving supplements. Without
healthy fats, many nutrients will pass right through you, without eliciting
any benefits!

Traditionally, a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet has been recommended. This
is the foundation of the government-mandated food pyramid. This low-fat,
high carb approach is based on simple math. Fat has about twice as many
calories per gram as carbohydrates and protein.

Therefore, the knee-jerk reaction is to avoid the calorically rich food and
instead stuff your face with the lower-calorie carbohydrates. Regardless of
the decreased calories, applying the theory has proven disastrous.

Carbohydrates raise blood sugar, low calorie or not. This, in turn, causes
the pancreas to produce and spike the “Oh no, please don’t take your
shirt off” hormone insulin. This tells your body to store, store, store
and your brain to eat, eat, eat.

Carbohydrate-laden diets have single-handedly expanded America’s
waistline to epidemic proportions. No surprise: math isn’t the best
measure of a food’s effect on the body. Biochemistry is.

Sure, healthy fat has more calories, but it won’t spike blood sugar and
insulin. As an added bonus, since healthy fat is richer with calories,
you’ll satisfy your hunger faster. The combined effect of controlling
blood sugar and preventing you from eating too many calories keeps your
waistline where it should be—in your pants, not “muffin topping” over
them. This phenomenon has been proven many times.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that eating twice as much
fat led to greater weight loss! And those who ate the most carbs had the
perfect biological environment for obesity and type 2 diabetes. Their
blood levels of glucose, insulin, and triglycerides skyrocketed!

Worse,The Nurses’ Study by Harvard found that women who adhere to the Big
Fat Scam and eat mostly carbohydrates increase their risk of diabetes by
two and a half times! Men are not immune to the fattening carbohydrate
effect either.

Therefore, get more healthy fats in your diet - eggs, bacon, butter,
tallow, lard, avocados, beef, chicken, fish, seeds, nuts and olive oil.
Balance that with tons of “slow carbs” from vegetables…ditch all the
low fat foods, fruit juices, almond milks, soy milks and stick to drinking
water, raw milk, coffee, and tea.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Fan of emails to say "I beat 20 years of Type II

I her words:

"I was diabetic for over 20 yrs and got scared out of my wits when nerve
pain began to get worse and I had 3 trigger finger surgeries plus two
carpal tunnel hand surgeries. I’d been reading all the bad effects being
diabetic would occur. The reversal program said I needed to take cinnamon
so I started to use Cinnergy and like a miracle (among drastically
altering my diet to low carb, high fat and increased exercise), I
overcame this awful disease within 2 months!!! YAY DIABETES GONE!!"

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