Subject: ~Miraculous Vaccine Alternative

We are all at risk from various “biological nasties.” Invisible threats
are everywhere. A single gram of feces can contain more than 10 million
viruses, 1 million bacteria, 1,000 parasite cysts and 100 parasite eggs.
From the hands we shake, the water we drink and the mats we wrestle on,
nowhere is safe…unless you’ve built natural immunity.

The goal in being healthy is to minimize risk by increasing immunity -
innate and adaptive. Both of these firewalls act as our God-given
protection from infection. The science supporting the mysterious
complexities of how the immune system defends us has been the recipient of
numerous Nobel prizes over the last one-hundred years.

In 1908, venerable scientists Ilya Mechnikov and Paul Ehrlich revealed
how our immune system is armed with multiple protection tactics. Their
research into blood chemistry highlighted phagocytosis. This is the
primary mechanism by which we become immune to the ill effects of bacteria.

Through a series of experiments on simple cell, aquatic animals and water
fleas, they demonstrated how bacteria is engulfed and ultimately removed
from living systems courtesy of phagocytes - even before the first vaccine
was ever developed. Robust and resilient, the average person has about six
billion of these armed sentries ready to attack.

In 2011, Bruce Beutler and Jules Hoffmann further highlighted how the body
is pre-programmed and activated by biological nasties to differentiate self
from non-self, thereby, thwarting numerous types of pathogenic
microorganisms (bacteria, virus, fungi, and parasites). This gave new
understanding on how the immune system seeks and destroys a myriad of
biological threats. These innate protective mechanisms occur
among all living things - single cell and even the highly complex, trillion
cell organisms like ourselves - without vaccination.

But, you have to support these Gatekeepers of health with proper hygiene,
sanitation and, what I term, nutrient logic. This forgotten logic dictates
that today’s health and immunity threats are simply the result of gaping
nutrient deficiencies, which can deny the body its’ ability to grow, heal
and protect itself. Nutrient logic addresses the deficiency by filling the
nutritional void or malnutrition to restore proper cellular function. Akin
to a pharmacist doling out meds, the body becomes it’s own advocate and
begins to produce custom made meds to enhance survival, through nutrient

The process is as simple and logical as resurrecting a dying, sun-deprived
plant with sun exposure and water, which initiates photosynthesis for the
production of life-giving glucose. That same innate intelligence guides our
own health and immunity when we obtain essential molecules - nutrients -
from nature.

Just as hand washing saved millions from infant mortality caused by
unwanted intruders in a hospital setting, proper hygiene, healthy habits
and nutrient logic minimizes our exposure and boosts our natural defenses
over our lifetime. The best nutrients to aid in this survival
mechanism are the Chinese medicine known as andrographis and
Norwegian’s mainstay of health, cod liver oil. Reams of scientific data
show that both can help bolster natural immunity in ways that vaccines can’t.

Learn how to get the purest andrographis for the whole family at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist