Subject: ~Milk Thistle and Trump's Hands

Dear %$firstname$%,

I thought everyone knew this...

Practically everything is a threat today!…from filthy tap water to
chemical-laden shaving cream, to genetically-screwed-organisms in your
cereal (AKA GMO's), the list goes on and on. Heck, kids are even
damaging their liver with the occasional treat courtesy of highly-f#cked-

...And you can't forget the plastic-laden, chemical enriched coffee crap being
squeezed out of the Kuerig machines!

Disgusting! Cancer and liver failure are just around the corner.

And nobody says shit…But hey, lets talk about the size of Donald
Trump's hands...

Meanwhile, your poor liver — that large, meaty organ that sits on the
right side of your belly — is charged with the task of processing all
this crap out of your body 24/7.

A vital organ, the liver supports nearly every other organ in the body.
When it's healthy and functioning well, it eliminates harmful

If your liver fails, you die.

With toxic threats lurking around every corner, it's no wonder people's
livers fails like a cheap American-made car.

There's a way to protect it! And you can MEASURE it and WATCH it.

Anna wrote in: "My liver enzymes were at the top of the chart. Doctors kept
pushing me to take cholesterol meds, which I refused…then I found The
People's Chemist online. I want you to know your product Cinnergy
( has improved my liver enzymes. At my last blood work,
they were down near normal!"

Elevated liver enzymes (AKA a "fatty liver") indicate that your liver has
been damaged. Normally, liver enzymes are found inside the liver. When this
vital organ is damaged, the enzymes start leaking into the bloodstream.

Any of the previously mentioned modern day threats can cause damage to your
liver, while causing high liver enzymes. When your liver fails to protect
you from environmental toxins, you accelerate the aging process.

Luckily, I designed Cinnergy ( to be a NATURAL DETOX
CURE. It's proven to deliver your body much-needed protection! Plus,
it helps the liver REBUILD and REJUVENATE itself.

It's scientific fact. Milk thistle is a rock star to overall health...

Cinnergy - loaded with milk thistle - forces high liver enzymes to plummet.

When you feed your body Cinnergy, you naturally aid your liver in processing out
all the junk being thrown into and onto your body on a daily basis, so
it doesn't leak into your blood.

Another fan, Jim, wrote: "I will be 61 in April and have been taking a
Cinnergy capsule every 4 days just as a good measure. I am not diabetic,
but I take this product anyway. And overall I feel good. My thanks to you

Science continues to discover the vast benefits of using "medicinally
active" cinnamon and milk thistle. Keyword…medicinally active! Not to be
confused with the cheap, inferior cinnamon supplements found at the grocery

Cinnergy is the BEST medicinally active cinnamon product to take, proven to
rejuvenate the liver and slow the aging process.

Place your order here…and start living young!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy is the supplement to take if you want to protect yourself
from the constant barrage of modern day toxic threats
( It safely lowers blood sugar, protects against
diabetes, blasts excess triglycerides (fat), safely detoxes the liver,
shields your skin from excess wrinkles, and more. Try it!