Subject: Mens Pill THREATENED!


The three letter boys have busted in for a sample of my Blue

Remember, the new "recreational" pill I formulated for men,
that's enjoyed by women?

Well, they came and got one...And when they find that it works better
than pharmaceuticals, the Thunder will likely go "down under."

It's no joke. I'm serious.

Maybe nothing will come of it, maybe I'll be forced to remove it...

I have no idea what will transpire. But I'm letting you know up

I'll fight like hell to keep the product going, but can't promise
anything. If they decide they want it gone, I have to make it be

This is not a cheap ploy to sell more pills.

I'm letting you know what has happened so that you are aware of
it in case you use the product and want to "stock up."

I am. So is Malcom!

"I really didn't expect it to work. I have tried others so I was a
doubter. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. I didn't tell
my wife at first. When I did she said that noticed that something
was a lot different but didn't know why. I told her how much it
cost and she just looked at me strange because I really don't like
to spend that much on me. With her expression, I ask her if I
should order more. She response, with a huge smile, was, "Definitely!!"
I just placed an order for 2 more packets. I spent my
money wisely. At 61, I'm so glad to feel like I did when I was
way much younger!!! - Malcom

Vigilant about nature!

The People's Chemist