Subject: Menopause: She Still Rocked Bikini! (See pic)

Menopause Didn't Stop Her From Rocking Bikini at 53!
Most women are trained to expect massive weight gain during menopause. Doctors teach that menopause is a time when hormones go haywire, the body becomes primed for fat storage.

That’s “profitable bullshit” - The more suckers that believe it, the more money they make from Hormone Replacement Therapy and “bioidenticals.”

Menopause and aging are not diseases that need to be treated with drugs.

The real reason for hormones going awry is years of consuming sugar, artificial flavors, pharmafoods, thyroid meds and other drugs.

Sadly, most women simply resign themselves to accepting the weight gain as inevitable - as if they have no power over the situation! Worse, they’re suckered into a lifetime of drug use.

Looking around, it’s clear that neither are working! Yet, the popular consensus remains: “The older you get, the more useless you become. Might as well give up now and get on meds!

This status quo has been going on for decades and putting women into early graves. Luckily, Wendy wasn't about to follow that back- asswards advice.

‘The Best Medical Treatment’ Led Wendy’s Mom Straight to the Grave...

53-year-old Wendy began her quest for youth a few years ago.

“I was searching Amazon for books on natural health back in 2010,” she says. “I had recently lost my 68-year-young mother. She had access to the best medical treatment money could buy. She was on 6 different meds and experienced just about every side effect and succumbed to them within a few years. WTH? How does this happen?”

Sad story. It happens all the time.

People lose their parents, grandparents, aunts, or uncles early because prescription drugs slowly demolish their bodies, destroying their insides, obliterating their organs, and making EVERYTHING old and frail, fast!

Referencing the findings from several medical journals, The New York Times showed that HRT lead to, “an increased risk of developing breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots.”

Unfortunately, people believe “the best medical treatment” has something to do with HRT and other prescription drugs. It doesn’t. The best medical treatment comprises what you choose to put into your mouth and swallow on a daily basis, followed by the lifestyle choices you make and how much you exercise.

As Wendy saw with her mother, prescription drugs are the slow, silent killers of today’s population.

The scariest part is – consumers WILLINGLY swallow this poison without questioning it.

The People’s Chemist Proves You Can Survive (and Thrive) WITHOUT Worthless Prescription Drugs

Wendy started reading about The People’s Chemist and was immediately hooked. She had finally found her source for no bullshit health information based on my MEASURABLE RESULTS!

“All I needed to read on Amazon was Shane’s line, ‘stop taking worthless prescription drugs’ and ‘most drugs can make you even more sick’ and my family just experienced this with my mom.”

Wendy tried my AM PM Fat Loss Discovery, which includes safe, natural supplements for sleeping better, burning fat, building lean muscle, making the body bullet-proof from disease, while turning back the clock on aging. I should rename the product “Get all your power back and live young again,” because that’s the outcome it delivers.

“Menopause weight gain?” says Wendy. “What menopause weight gain? I’m 5' 7," weight 127 lbs, thanks to the Thermo FX. People told me, ‘You shouldn't be running or doing lunges and squats at your age, your knees will pay for it.’ I do all of these, 4 times a week.”

Define Your Own Rules for Living Young

When you live young with my AM PM Fat Loss Discovery, like Wendy, nobody gets to tell you what you can or can’t do. Want to run a marathon? Do it. Want to do cross fit to your heart’s content? Do it. Want to lift heavy weights while pregnant (like my wife did last year)? Do it. Want to travel the world and drink expensive wines with your loved ones? Do it.

That’s the beauty of living young. Your body can handle whatever you choose to throw at it when you have your hormones in check!

Wendy admits she takes several of my supplements (not just the AM PM Fat Loss Discovery). “Give up ice cream and martinis on the weekend? Why?” she says. “My triglycerides and glucose are both 80 mg/do, and my blood pressure 100/68 and CRP 0 71/ mg/L, thanks to The People’s Chemist supplements.”

“Based on what happened to my mom and after reading Shane’s book, Over-the-Counter Natural Cures,” she adds, “I almost lost all faith in conventional medicine. I wanted to stay healthy and well! The supplements delivered exactly as promised. I use all of TPC's products (my kids and husband too). Us menopause moms shouldn't have it so easy.”

That’s the beauty of having hormone intelligence! It’s not about willpower it’s about hormones!

I asked Wendy how she’s feeling now. “ I feel great!” she says. “Not sure if 53-year-olds should be wearing bikinis during spring, but who cares?”

No Excuses for Being Fat

Don't Wendy’s abs in her bikini pic make you jealous? And remember, she’s 53 years young. What’s your excuse?

If you're ready to follow Wendy’s lead and blast away fat, get AM PM Fat Loss, so you can conquer the weight gain fast.

This product is here to stay. It’s helped thousands of customers shed unwanted pounds while proving their doctors wrong.

I can’t guarantee that YOU'LL be here to stay. The longer you hold onto excess weight, the more you put yourself at risk for dying an early death. Keep your excess fat or burn it away with AM PM Fat Loss? Your call. Choose wisely.

Invest now and get tons of FREE learning materials and 20% off a 3- month supply! Who can’t afford a few dollars a day to live young and look great doing it?