Subject: [Men Only] Is your ass a dartboard?

Someone's gotta say it...

Today, thousands of men are being diagnosed
with harmless forms of prostate cancer. Instead of
rolling around with their kids on the wrestling mats or
throwing the football, they’re visiting a doctor...

Wake the fuck up, men! Stop letting them hold you
hostage with meds and PSA tests!

There’s a much better way to protect your prostate, health and
longevity! But first, you gotta avoid the scam...

Sure, it's Friday and most people are thinking about pizza
and beer...Im thinking about the dwindling supply of
my all natural "prostate protector" known as Palmetto Plus.

(It's flying out of the shipping houses and this is great
because men are waking up! So consider this a courtesy

The butchering of men’s health starts with a scam known
as the PSA — or prostate specific antigen test. PSA was
devised as a way to scare men into getting hooked on
risky prostate drugs and other “treatments.”

If your PSA number is even “slightly elevated,” a doctor can
recommend outrageous things such as a biopsy. A biopsy is
done by inserting a 12-gauge needle through your ass…prostate
cancer already looks better.

Does anyone use their fucking brain anymore or are we all just
attention whores trying to chase likes on Facebook..few people can
even read beyond “tweets.” If they did look up for a bit and ponder
the PSA test, the first question would be, “Who decides what an
“elevated” PSA is?”

The number is arbitrary, like picking a spot on a map while
blindfolded. Many physicians consider an elevated PSA reading to
be 4 or higher.

But the latest research even shows that’s bullshit.

“In the bitter debate about PSA tests, proponents have accused critics of
condemning men to die by dissuading them from getting a test that can
spot cancers early. Critics of PSA say the screening, introduced in the
1980s, causes millions of men to be further tested and then
treated for cancers so harmless they would never threaten their
health, leaving many to spend the rest of their life in adult
diapers and unable to have sex — all from treatment they didn’t

Better wake up!

“One-quarter to one-third of men with a PSA of 4 to 10 who have a
biopsy will turn out to have cancer, and most of those are

That comes from repeated studies over the last 10 years!

Pay special attention to the word, HARMLESS!

If you needed proof that medical professionals generally don’t have a
clue what they’re doing, there it is.

You’re welcome.

Dr. Clare Tempany, a prostate cancer specialist at Brigham and Women’s
Hospital in Boston, admits: “This has been a long and chronic problem,
in that we have very imperfect tools for cancer detection. Ever since
PSA came into disrepute, everyone woke up and said, we have to be
smarter about this.”

Damn straight good doctor!

Seems like the entire field of “prostate treatment” is a crapshoot.
Might as well volunteer your ass as a dartboard.

There’s a smarter way to protect your prostate. It’s called “nutrient

And for a few bucks a month, you can save your ass, be a man, and
have a healthy prostate. There’s nothing else like this saw palmetto
formula…potent, pure it has no additives, fillers and it works:

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Palmetto+ puts an end to annoying nighttime trips to the bathroom.
Plus, it protects against prostate enlargement (AKA Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia or BPH), without sacrificing your your sex drive, virility, or
masculinity. Stock up now at