Subject: ~Medical Journal Says American's are "Quitters?"

Today, society is more obese than ever…My 11 year old son and I just returned from
a 1300 mile flying expedition through the Baja California. A private pilot,
I departed early Friday morning in my freshly waxed, 1962 Mooney. My
son Blair climbed into the right seat, buckled in, threw his headset on
and grabbed the takeoff checklist.

At 4500ft over the Arizona desert, we caught a tailwind southwest and
breezed over the controversial, Mexican border. In no time, we were
sailing over the choppy, cobalt waters of the Sea of Cortez. A few lonely
fishing boats trawled the waters and the beaches showed signs of massive tide changes…it was smooth air, sand and water for 74 miles to San Felipe.
Blair and I reminisced on past trips and sipped yerba mate while giving
each other the "this-is-so-fucking-awesome-look."

No matter where I travel, I see the same obstacle holding people back;
obesity. And according to a new study, more and more victims are giving up
on shedding the excess weight.

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recently published
results of a study titled, "Change in Percentages of Adults With Overweight
or Obesity Trying to Lose Weight, 1988-2014." They found that most people
are too complacent to take action for their weight gain. In essence, they
said Americans were giving up, they were quitters.

I say screw that study.

American's aren't quitters. Most people are just confused, misinformed or
fed up with all the bullshit fat loss solutions. As a medicinal chemist
for over 20 years and an author, I've watched failure become the norm
because of lack of effective choices and a failure of modern medicine.

Previous attempts at ramping up metabolism have focused on using excessive
exercise, hormone mimics like thyroid medication or "bioidenticals." And,
obviously with the obesity epidemic in full swing, all have been overt

Meanwhile diet gurus blame mood, drive, willpower and genetics while
offering flimsy protocols and ill-thought out dietary advice like go
gluten-free, eat vegetarian, be a vegan, hunt and scavenge like a
caveman…While some of these are healthier than today's Standard American
Diet (SAD) rich in sugar and other crap, none of them address the real
problem: A lack of hormone balance, output and sensitivity (BOS).

Just like winds direct the movement of clouds, hormones direct biological
actions in your body. They're messenger molecules that send a myriad of
bio-chemical signals, which control and stimulate a fleet of enzymes,
neurotransmitters and other compounds.

Your hormones help to orchestrate your breathing rate, heartbeat, oxygen
delivery, cellular water balance, caloric intake and even your emotions.
They can also turn on life-enhancing genes while turning the deadly ones
off. And they also play a huge role when it comes to your body composition.

Hell, they also dictate your willpower, too…and you can't have any of
this if your hormones are fucked up from:

- Meds
- Vaccines
- Sugar
- Artificial flavors
- Pharmafoods
- Starvation diets

The only way to restore your hormone BOS is through - what I term - hormone
intelligence. When your body has "hormone intelligence," it means that
you're producing just the right amounts of each hormone and that these
hormones are perfectly balanced in relation to one another. It also means
that your body is highly sensitive to the effects of the hormones you

This is an incredibly delicate and complex process, but it's surprisingly
easy to control. And you don't have to know anything about how it works
when you sign up for my 90 day program, The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery

The "intelligence" that plants use to capture sunlight or take up nutrients
from the soil and convert these things into energy for growth is the same
intelligence your body uses to heal itself naturally and preserve a healthy
physique. It's perfectly natural and happens without you even having to
think about it when you take part in key, lifestyle and supplement

That's why I created AM PM Fat Loss Discovery. Designed to help you achieve
your best body in 90 days or less, it targets the root cause of fat gain:
loss of hormone balance, output and sensitivity. And you can get it back
in 90 days to have your best body at

For less than $4 per day, you can master your hormones with 6 simple habits
that will transform your hormones, body and life! Get started at

This program has made it all around the world, even to our final
destination in the Baja, where we spent a week at on a remote island in the
Pacific learning to surf. Our 63 year old guide, Esteban, cheerfully
welcomed us to his beach paradise. And when we arrived he told me how his
energy and spark has rebounded, even after three stents, thanks to his
newfound hormone intelligence…

Working daily on his rebound, he now has solutions that work for
him…unlike so many obese people floundering with no answers, he sees
results daily and is mastering his pushups, man-makers, and squats. But
most important, he's riding waves and living young…And yes, Blair and I
lived young right along side him, but could never ride as good as Estaban!

Fight back for less than $4 per day and start getting your best body and
life at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Attempting to lose weight and being unsuccessful at it is like being a
slave to your own body. Stop tolerating excess body weight. Use to blast fat, lose inches off your waist, and become a
whole new person in 90 days or less.