Subject: ~Mayo Clinic on Milk Thistle Detox!

Let's face it, if your alive, your liver is taking a beating...

Energy drinks, juice, fast food, meds, synthetic vitamins, and alcohol
are all attacking it...

Fortunately, the liver is programmed to heal itself when you give your
body the fuel required to do so.

This very complex science has been well established in medical journals
around the world. For example, the peer reviewed journal Antioxidants
recently wrote:

"It should be noted that milk thistle can contribute to the antioxidant defenses in
different ways. Firstly, by direct free radical scavenging. Secondly, by
preventing free radical formation by inhibiting specific enzymes
responsible for free radical production, or by maintaining the integrity of
electron-transport chain of mitochondria in stress conditions. Thirdly, by
participating in the maintenance of optimal redox status of the cell by
activating a range of antioxidant enzymes and non-enzymatic antioxidants,
mainly via transcription factors, including Nrf2 and NF-κB. Finally, by
activating an array of vitagenes, responsible for the synthesis of
protective molecules, including HSP, thioredoxin (Trx), sirtuins, etc., and
providing additional protection in stress conditions."

Thus, the best way to restore liver function is with milk thistle (

I call it Mother Nature’s detox cure.

Milk thistle has been used for more than two thousand years to treat acute
hepatitis, chronic liver disease, jaundice, and gallstone disease. However,
its ability to protect us from toxic exposure was not discovered until
1949. It showed beneficial effects against toxicity from the chemical
reagents known as carbon tetrachloride, which can result in liver failure,
coma, and even death when someone is exposed to them. Milk thistle
successfully protected the liver, while escorting the toxic chemical out of
the body.

Twenty years later, it was formally acknowledged as a therapeutic
agent against toxic exposure. Ever since, this natural detox cure has
proven wildly beneficial in protecting us from environmental toxins and
prescription drugs—and even poisonous mushrooms.

Studying milk thistle’s protective qualities, Mayo Clinic announced that
“Multiple studies from Europe suggest benefits of oral milk thistle for
cirrhosis. In experiments up to five years long, milk thistle has improved
liver function and decreased the number of deaths that occur in cirrhotic

As a toxicity remedy, milk thistle works in three distinct ways to preserve
our health. Once ingested, the active ingredients bind to the squishy
membrane of our liver cells to form a protective “shield.” This keeps
foreign molecules out and essential nutrients in.

Milk thistle also protects us from oxygen shock, making it a potent antioxidant
as noted above.

As a natural detoxification cure, it can also serve as a “biological janitor” to
clean up foreign molecules. Through a process known technically as
conjugation, milk thistle attaches to foreign molecules and carries them
out of the body, keeping the liver free from the accumulation of toxic

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Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

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