Subject: ~Maverick Heart Surgeon Speaks out on 3 Worst Meds!

Six more days!

On April 1st, 3 Worst Meds (Hardcover) will be hitting Amazon!

Can't tell too much, but one of the underlying themes you're going to find
throughout the book is that the FDA isn't your friend...

In fact, the FDA's unwillingness to properly regulate dangerous meds reflects a
broad coalition among Big Pharma, the US Government and Wall Street.

Medical schools and medical journals take their orders from this cartel.

Health insurers are the glue that make it all stick - draining billions
from you for the benefit of all three.

Your doctor is part of the insidious plot to medicate you to death,
knowingly or not.

Regardless of the rising mortality count from meds, most people stay quiet.

…A 14 year old dies after being prescribed fentanyl for pain.

…A 9 year old passes away from liver poisoning after taking a round of
antibiotics for a sore throat.

…A senior citizen's heart stops after swallowing 9 pills prescribed by
her doctor.

…A vibrant, healthy dad goes comatose after getting his flu shot.

…the list goes on, yet we just get more drug ads and more prescriptions.

If you're not outraged you're not paying attention.

After completing the rough draft of my upcoming book, 3 Worst Meds, I sent
it to hundreds of opinion leaders for a review and an offer to write the

Chemist, lawyers, professors, doctors, politicians, celebrities….

Without exception, the response was the same, "For obvious legal
reasons, I cannot write a review, testimonial or introduction, good luck."

And that ladies and gentlemen is the problem…the same problem in
Nazi Germany - average, everyday citizens cared more about what was
"legal" than was right.

They cared more about social acceptance than doing the
right thing...

Fortunately, there was one doctor ready to speak out!

I can't release his name just yet, as there are a few more privacy
measures he needs to take before going public…but he enthusiastically
wrote the foreword for 3 Worst Meds!

His story is rich with controversy, coverup and scandal!

He received his training in Cardiovascular and Thoracic surgery from Yale
University. During his career, he performed over 5,000 open heart
surgeries and was inducted into The Beating Heart Hall of Fame.

A maverick heart surgeon, he had a unique vantage point peering into
thousands of hearts and arteries…and it always showed the same thing:
Popular heart meds were making his patients more sick.

When he spoke out, he was scorned and labeled a quack.

Regardless, he continued "confessing" what he had viewed under the lights
of the sterile operating room. Threatening his hospital's revenue stream,
his medical license was officially revoked!

His story and experience is in the upcoming hardcover of 3 Worst Meds!

It's people like this heart surgeon who risk being called out and censored
who not only interrupt the coalition, but also save a few lives along the

On April 1, you're going to have a chance to do the same. Will you get the
book and buy a copy for a friend or loved one?

Or, like Nazi Germany, will you let the body bags keep piling up?

Dare to ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Healthcare is a billion dollar booby trap that's set to steal your
health and wealth. 3 Worst Meds is the remedy. In addition to highlighting
natural alternatives, it also shows you the Quality Control results from
each alternative suggested - exposing the good and bad of the "vitamin

My state-of-the-art testing methods are the same ones I used as a bench
chemist for Big Pharma. As part of my Blue Diamond Series, I've included
all the test results free of charge (see last chapter)!

A matter of life and death, this type of razor-sharp laboratory precision
is glossed over or even left out by doctors and online vitamin
hucksters...(Guess I won't be making any friends in the vitamin industry,

P.P.S Low stock alert on true cinnamon and milk thistle combo, Cinnergy!
Stock up at