Subject: ~Man WOWs Wife with 18-Minute Workout!


Men…what the f@ck are you doing?

Why are you sweating in the gym, but looking like sh#t?

We see you sweating on the treadmill…

We see you on the bench…

We see you pushing the leg press. (That was originally made for women BTW).)

But what we don’t see is a body that actually looks like it exercises!

Instead, it looks like it’s slowly decaying…like it might be able to
open a pickle jar, but nothing else.


It's not your age keeping your body from responding to exercise.

It’s your hormones!

I’m going to keep this painfully simple for the guys with guts…

The best and most successful things in life are PLAIN and SIMPLE. That
includes exercise.

But like morons, people tend to overcomplicate everything.


Tell someone how to do a FREE 18-minute workout that optimizes hormones and
chisels abs and in a matter of minutes he’ll will be asking you, “What
do you think about P90X?”

Mike, a social studies teacher in Hawaii, wasn’t one of those morons…

“Aloha Shane. Just a quick note to thank you for putting together the 18
minute workout. As someone who works out pretty regularly, I found the
workout to exceed expectations. It kicked my butt and had me winded, which
is what I really was looking for.”

Mike used my 18-minute workout [download it FREE here:] —
AKA the shortest, quickest, most effective way to get your body in its best
shape possible.

In just 18 minutes, your muscles are completely shocked (in a good way!).
This is when sh#t gets real. Your body’s fat-burning switch is TURNED
ON, and your internal “heat” system also kicks into gear.

When all of the above happens, it indicates that HORMESIS has been
activated in your body! This is the coveted biological state in which your
body is FORCED to produce positive adaptive changes, hormonally.

It works for women too, who want to be lean and fit…

Anything else is just a waste of time, or worse, a waste of health.

For the bozos reading this, don’t get tripped up by the word hormesis.

With hormesis, you get more for less. You become “blessed by the hormone
gods” in less time than it takes to watch a TV show. It’s like going
shopping with $10 in your pocket and getting $100 worth of groceries

Yes, it’s true — a simple 18-minute workout can yield fantastic

Knowing this, why the hell would you waste hours on the treadmill with a
lame-ass “steady state workout” that doesn’t challenge shit in your

Quit wasting time and energy and follow the 18-minute workout, like Mike

“I was surprised how quickly I slimmed down,” he adds. “But the best
part was being able to sweep my wife off her feet and run around the store
with her — tremendous overall strength increase.”

Way to go Mike! That’s the man-sh#t I’m talking about! You’ve
renewed my hope. I hope all the weaklings wearing their Under Armour and
latest Nike shoes are listening. Fact is we don’t any clothes as armour,
we have MUSCLE!

[Download this simple workout FREE at:]

Oh yea…and just as people overcomplicate exercise, they overcomplicate

My annoying ass cat eats better than most people on my email list…

To save you time, I’ve also made eating really simple:

There’s only ONE diet you need to follow, and that’s The ‘Stop Eating
So F#@%ing Much’ Diet

[yes, that’s a real book title — order it here:]

As a chemist, I wrote this book because I was tired of seeing all the
lame-ass trendy fad diets getting in the way of true and lasting health.
This book is responsible for turning fatties all across America into lean,
chiseled, fat-burning machines…who are HEALTHY…in record time!

The book goes deeper into the topic of hormesis and shows you how hormones
work (and why you should care).

By the way, if you’re NOT exercising in a way that activates hormesis,
you might have intense hunger pangs in between meals…which signals that
your body’s hormones are out of whack.

To fix this, see Habit #6 in The ‘Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much’ Diet:

And remember…keep it simple stupid!

Dare to lose some fat!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Find out how to get your best physique in 90 days or less — by
reading The “Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet” book. As a side effect,
you may find yourself morphing into the leanest, most athletic person at
your gym…while exercising less! This is because your hormones will be
“smarter” and more efficient than the average moron trudging it out on
the elliptical for 2-3 hours! Order now: