Subject: Man Jumps From Edge of Space...Who The F$%# Cares?


Did you hear the one about the guy who wanted to
jump from the edge of space with a parachute?

Brought to you by a cancer causing, obesogenic energy drink,
the world is now a better place thanks to the jump. Not.

Apparently, science has everything to gain...And it's all over the news.

With this historic jump, we can now "put other people into spacesuits
for space tourism!"

Give me a F#$%in break!

I get it. The feat was AMAZING. He broke the sound barrier with his face.

I wouldn't of thought of it in my wildest dreams.

But it doesn't deserve the robust media attention.

It's a diversion from the real problems going on around us...

If you haven't noticed, most people can't even fit into a space suite. And
there are more important things going on that deserve media attention.

...Teachers who educate kids for their future deserve media attention.

Doctors who implant lifesaving stents deserve media attention.

Scientists plucking cancer cures from nature deserve media attention.

Women losing fat and reversing Type II diabetes naturally and putting
themselves into yoga pants deserve media attention!


Here is one testimonial from someone who actually did it!

"Dear Shane, I went to cardiologist today for my first year check up, he
was in shock that I don't take his killing pills and that I have lost over 16lbs
and my stress test was awesome. Better, my type 2 diabetes gone gone
gone. OH and the best part my hubby thinks I look so GREAT in my new
yoga pants nice at 47yrs old. Your the reason for this you, your Cardio FX,
Cinnergy , and support. You rock in my world."

You won't hear about news that matters, "in the news."

It's all a mindless diversion to get you to look away from the stuff that
matters....Like your health!

Take charge now with CardioFX and Cinnergy....If you value spending
more time on earth, get into yoga pants or want to get into a space suit
you need to start taking charge of your health.

Using CardioFX will bulletproof your heart by protecting you from high blood
pressure and deadly blood clots.

Cinnergy will help you lower high blood sugar, without having to rely on
risky meds! It's also a great way to slow the aging process and protect
your skin from premature wrinkles.

Both can be ordered at

Hurry, before it's too late...You only get one body.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist