Subject: ~Major Tooth Infection Thwarted with This...


Four days a week, Blair and I drive 30 minutes one way for wrestling
practice. The coaching, training and life lessons are well worth the
commute, which puts us back home at about 9:15pm on school

That's a late night for a sixth grader. This is our second year and
he's adapted well to the schedule...he makes up for it by sleeping in
to the last minute, courtesy of a quick smoothie for breakfast.

(Recipe: Raw milk, Whey Advanced Vanilla, blueberries, two raw eggs,

I sit in the car for two hours reading, while he trains.

Last week, one of the coaches was leaving early...I could tell he
was in pain. I rolled down my window to ask what happened...

A few days prior he got hit while training MMA. He lost half a tooth.
With no insurance, he hoped it would heal by itself.

It didn't. It just festered and got worse.

He saw a doctor who told him he needed to schedule an appointment
and begin antibiotics immediately, otherwise, it might even "turn cancerous."

I interrupted him right there to say that was total bullshit...who comes
up with that shit anyway?

He sighed with relief...but unable to talk much due to the pain, he
said he talked to a dentist on the phone, too. The dentist told
him $3500 minimum...X-rays, maybe root canal....likely more $$$$...

Incredulous...this is just an infection, I assured him.

As luck would have it, I had a bottle of Immune FX that had been rolling
around in the back of my '99 4-Runner for at least 3 fuckin' weeks - driving
me crazy every time I stopped at a red light or made a sharp turn.

"Look, your infection is nasty! Probably out of control...I have a bottle
of Immune FX, it's a natural antibiotic. Take 3 now, go to bed. Take
3 in the morning. Do that for 1 week, then 1 a day for 4 weeks. It might
clear the infection and allow that tooth to heal. But, the infection might be
out of control promises."

(This is the same advice I gave to my neighbor who was headed to the
doctor for a urinary tract infection a few months ago...)

With no other choice - AKA no insurance - Immune FX was his only option.

Drum roll please...

I kid you not, the infection was gone in 2 days!

When I saw him, he was doing The 18-Minute Workout and chewing gum.

...and smiling.

I've been selling Immune FX for a decade and in that time I've seen it
wipe out strep throat, bladder infections, yeast infections, urinary tract
infections, abscesses, the flu, the common cold, you name it...

Immune FX is the real deal. If you want a robust, infection killing machine
to help your immune system, the get Immune FX at

Ditch the antibiotic, doctors and dentists,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Sorry to be so hard on doctors and dentists, but damn, they
make it so hard not to be! Wake up! Ditch the meds, ditch the vitamin
D, ditch the vitamin C (Crap), start using real medicine at

P.P.S. Yes, my neighbor was cured doctor's appointment, no
orange pill bottles....