Subject: ~MUST-READ for parents re: vaccines


These days, simply GOING TO SCHOOL poses a risk to a child's health.

Just today, I was reading a USA Today article whining that schools aren't
vaccinated "enough."

The article positions educated, wealthy parents objecting to vaccines as

And officials are hell-bent on trying to vaccinate every child three ways
to China.

"Low vaccination rates at schools put students at risk," the article
states. "The real challenge is when growing numbers of parents who are
highly educated and fairly wealthy opt out of vaccines."

Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research
and Policy, calls such people the "educated uninformed."

Well, I must be "educated and uninformed."

Let's see...I aced high school by ditching every class except on test days.
Breezed through college on a wrestling scholarship…then got another
scholarship for grad school. Once there, I taught O-chem, got grad student
of the year and won an Arizona state JJ tournament after training for a
week. During a three week break, I traveled to Oaxaca to learn Spanish.

Meanwhile, my classmates and fellow grad students were busy taking out
students loans to buy watches, mountain bikes and cars, eating themselves
into oblivion, and trying to pledge into sororities so they could drink
more, more often.

Some of those sloths - like Michael Osterholm - are now teaching school,
acting as high school principals, and earning a living as nurses and
doctors. And of course, each and every one of them are ranting and
raving about how schools need to enforce mandatory vaccination.

(Most heart breaking, some of these same people are raising zombie kids,
vaccinated to high hell and autistic.)

Their usual rationale is that since they were "protected by vaccines," then
all vaccines are safe for their kids.

Fact: today's vaccines are NOT the same as they were 40 years ago!

Spend 5 minutes reading a vaccine package insert from a drug manufacturer
and you'll learn this. You'll be shocked to read things like, "Vaccination with
GARDASIL may not result in protection in all vaccine recipients."

Sanofi Pasteur published that, "Safety and effectiveness of Influenza A
(H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine have not been established in pregnant women
or nursing mothers and in the pediatric population below 6 months of

And the maker of the flu vaccine wrote that, "Serious allergic reactions,
including anaphylactic shock, have been observed during postmarketing
surveillance in individuals receiving AFLURIA."

The CDC later published that the vaccine offered little protection. So much
for the benefits outweighing the risk!

And commenting on the MMR shot, Merck wrote, "Excretion of small amounts
of the live attenuated rubella virus from the nose or throat has occurred in
the majority of susceptible individuals 7 to 28 days after vaccination."

What parent wants to enforce dangerous, ineffective medicines on their kids?

Show me a vaccine that is proven safe and effective and I'll be the first
in line.

Those are the vaccines I like.

Until then, I'd bet a full-ride scholarship to any college of your choice
that my kids have a much more robust immune system than the average
vaccinated child. I mean c'mon! How’s a child going to become immune
by shooting them up with vaccines that don't work?

To hell with "school rules." My kids come first.

In our household, we focus on building natural immunity with

Twenty five years of being a chemist proves its the smart thing to do.

We avoid stabbing our kids with ineffective vaccines (AKA toxic, poisonous
substances known to leave people autistic and/or permanently disabled!) –
a topic of study reserved for the pathetic masses who refuse to read
the damn package insert of any vaccines…It's all there in black and

Start thinking for yourself. Opt out of vaccines, and instead use
to build up your natural immunity, the way nature intended (safe for
children, too!).

Dare to Live Young,

Shane Ellison, M.S
The People's Chemist
Chemist, Author

P.S. Forward this email to any concerned parent. It could mean the
difference between their child growing up to be shackled by vaccines
like the rest – or beating the system and living life on their own terms.
They can start by reading my Vaccine Survival Guide here: