Subject: ~MUST HAVE: Valerian and L-Tryptophan Combo for Sleep and Mood!

Valerian and L-tryptophan are a must have...let me explain.

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid. It's used in the creation of
proteins - essentially the building blocks of who you are today. It's deemed
"essential" because the body can't produce it. Therefore, it
must be obtained through the diet.

Everyone in my family uses L-Tryptophan via my all natural Serotonin FX.
Blair, Lily, Lea-Ann and myself all depend on it to be at the top of
our game...It's mandatory for sleep and appetite control as well as athletic

Learn about it at

After your body absorbs tryptophan, it changes it into numerous hormones,
serotonin is just one. This hormone is important for brain function, sleep
and mood.

Researchers have found that, "Low brain serotonin levels are associated
with poor memory and depressed mood." This was stated in the scientific
journal Nutrients.

In their paper, Influence of Tryptophan and Serotonin on Mood and Cognition
with a Possible Role of the Gut-Brain Axis, they wrote, "Manipulation of
tryptophan levels, acutely or chronically, by depletion or supplementation,
is an experimental procedure for modifying peripheral and central serotonin

Don't get tripped up by the scientific mumbo-jumbo.

This simply means that adding tryptophan to your diet is a smart
idea!…because it affects the amount of serotonin in the body.

Working throughout the central nervous system, "serotonin modulates a wide
array of functions including sleep, control of appetite and temperature,
and…mood and cognition."

Without enough serotonin, you're screwed. Sleep is disrupted, appetite
goes haywire and your mood is unpredictable.

I know this first hand because I've been selling Serotonin FX
for over 10 years! And I've seen it's beneficial outcomes first-hand!

So yea, the researchers are correct. Supplementing with L-tryptophan is
absolutely important!

In a world filled with sleep-deprived, overworked, underpaid and over taxed
citizens who can't control their own thinking or moods, I think we should
be paying close attention to the benefits of L-tryptophan…

If serotonin production from L-tryptohan can affect sleep AND appetite AND
mood…then it can affect nearly every area of your life.

As stated in the article: "Lowered mood is one of the major symptoms of
depression, an affective disorder which is the leading cause of disability
worldwide, affecting approximately 20% of the world's population."

With so many people being diagnosed as depressed today, the typical
"solution" is to throw antidepressant medications onto these
individuals…but we know it's just a sales ploy.

"The major therapeutic agents for treating depression are antidepressants,
mostly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or combined
serotonin/noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors. The mechanism of these
medications is believed to be in part by increasing synaptic levels of
monoamines, mainly serotonin and noradrenaline and subsequent activation of
serotoninergic and noradrenergic postsynaptic and auto receptors," states
the article.

But guess what? They don't work.

Throwing drugs at a problem is rarely ever the answer…especially if
you're looking to achieve REAL health. And that includes cognitive (brain)

"…antidepressants are only partly effective in the treatment of
depression of moderate and greater severity in adults." And those studies
that do show them effective are nothing more than ghost written articles
courtesy of the company selling the drugs.

The smarter solution is to ditch antidepressants…and simply focus on
increasing your serotonin levels, via tryptophan supplementation.

My natural supplement, Serotonin FX, contains naturally occurring
L-tryptophan - along with valerian root (the stinky but oh-so-good-for-you
plant that induces deep REM sleep).

This natural sleep remedy achieves deep, restorative sleep in users,
thereby allowing the body to heal itself. It can't heal itself without
going into deep R.E.M. sleep first.

Now…it turns out that the tryptophan in Serotonin FX also creates the
additional benefit of improved mood and brain function.

Start reaping the benefits of consistently deep, restorative sleep by using
Serotonin FX. Meanwhile, you'll be giving your brain and mood a boost by
increasing the amount of serotonin your body can produce.

Order at to sleep better, think better, and feel

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Researchers have found that tryptophan - one of the key ingredients in
Serotonin FX ( - has a direct impact on how much
serotonin your body produces. "Low brain serotonin levels are associated
with poor memory and depressed mood," say researchers. Help improve your
brain function and mood by supplementing with Serotonin FX (and get better,
deeper sleep while you're at it!) Order at