Subject: MMA Fighter Takes His Shirt Off!

MMA Fighter Ditches Crap Supplements to Build Lean Muscle Mass, Cut Recovery Time in Half And Stay Injury Free

I’ve been doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) for seven years.

It’s painful.  A good day of BJJ means you stayed injury free, to fight another day.

But, MMA (mixed martial arts) is even more demanding, because it incorporates a variety of fighting styles into one sport - Kickboxing, Muay thai, grappling, Judo, BJJ, you name it.  You’ve got to be mentally and physically ready for anything – and even then, you can still get your ass handed to you.

That’s why when Brett, an MMA fighter from Colorado, contacted me on Facebook looking to up his fighting game, I was happy to give him my best recommendations. I could sympathize with his challenges.

First of all, he needs to throw away all the crap supplements that contain the following:

  •  Aspartame
  •  Sucralose
  •  Synthetic caffeine 
  •  Sugar
  •  Soy
  •  Titanium dioxide
  •  Maltodextrin
  •  Veggie Caps

At best, he is wasting his money on anything that contains these common ingredients.  At worst, he would be giving himself cancer or weakening his heart, in the long run.

That’s not what a fighter wants.

Brett Was Looking for a Way to Improve His Fighting Game...

“I'm a pro MMA fighter, very athletic,” Brett told me. “I’ve been fighting since 2004. I started kickboxing and went pro. Then the MMA craze came around and I went pro MMA in 2010. My record is 6-2-1 pro kick boxing, 2-1 pro MMA, and I’ve got some gold medals from grappling in NAGA, Grappler’s Quest, Copa, and Torque.”

“I have some friends that swear by your product and I would like to try it. What's the best product for me to take for what I'm doing?”

I asked Brett what supplements he was currently taking. He surprised me by revealing a laundry list of practically everything I sell!

Brett was taking Daily Dose (my safe, non-toxic multivitamin), Cinnergy (a powerful anti-aging supplement), Joint FX (which melts away joint pain while rebuilding cartilage), Cardio FX (which strengthens and protects an over-worked athlete’s heart), Thermo FX AM and Thermo FX PM (for rapid fat-burning and fast muscle building), and Serotonin FX (which helps you sleep like a baby). 

All of these are perfect for an MMA fighter.  They aid fat metabolism, muscle growth and maximize recovery and healing.

As you can see from his pic above, all is working very well!

The People’s Chemist Helps Combat Sport Athletes Build Muscle, Shorten Recovery Time, and Live Young

As an athlete, Joint FX is mandatory.  I also told Brett to “use Thermo FX AM on training days, Thermo FX PM nightly, and Serotonin FX as needed.”

Out of curiosity, I asked him about the biggest change he noticed after he started taking The People’s Chemist products.

“I've gotten a lot leaner, stronger, and faster!” he said. “My recovery time has probably been cut in half and my cardio is awesome!! I'm at the same weight but bigger muscular wise and have a lot more definition in my muscles.”

“My girlfriend just started taking it a couple weeks ago and has noticed a big difference as well. Especially with energy and fat loss. The biggest thing would be the old injuries that I haven't had problems with lately and my cardio. My knee had bothered me for a very long time. After a couple weeks of taking Joint FX, no pain at all! I swear by all your products! I'm walking proof! Best stuff ever!”

Don't Be Like Those Athletes Who Over-Train and Kill Themselves in the Process!

Even if you're not into professional fighting, you can still benefit greatly from infusing your body with all the nutrients it needs to stay young.

If you're an athlete and don’t know where to start, then choose Joint FX.

This safe, non-toxic supplement blasts the joints with soothing nutrients that not only eradicate pain, but also ignite the body’s ability to regenerate its own cartilage. Joint FX is a life-saver when you’re using your knees, elbows, wrists, and other joints in professional fighting.

You can also shorten your recovery time with Cardio FX, while protecting your heart from the extreme demands of your sport.

Sometimes we see athletes over-training and hurting themselves – thereby forcing themselves to age faster than they need to! Don’t make that mistake. Stay young with my all natural creations!

Learn More at:

Shane Ellison

The People’s Chemist