Subject: ~Lowering Your Cholesterol Will Kill You

September 29th was "World Heart Day," which is a global campaign that
aims to "raise awareness on cardiovascular diseases."

The pharmaceutical drug tycoon Pfizer was the sponsor.

They're the same company that invented Lipitor — the cholesterol-lowering
drug responsible for butchering your date not a single
study shows any benefit for this "blockbuster drug.

But more on that in a second...

"As part of Pfizer's on-going contribution on interventions to control and
reduce the risks of heart diseases in the country, Pfizer in partnership
with Cardiac Health Initiative is supporting enlightenment activities on
cardiovascular diseases and the modifiable risk factors associated with
them," writes The Daily Post.

Anyone smell the bullshit?

A drug company supporting enlightenment activities? That's like satan
supporting a birthday party for kids.

Self-serving corporations run every single "awareness" campaign we have
to date. AstraZeneca - the maker of Tamoxifen - conveniently sponsored
"Breast Cancer Awareness."

Hell, Big Pharma even runs the institutions people are now calling
"public school."

Dr. Kodjo Soroh, Medical Director of Pfizer, stated, "Our mission is to use
innovative science to improve healthcare at every stage of life. Many risk
factors associated with heart diseases can be prevented by addressing
habits like the use of tobacco, unhealthy diet, lack of physical exercise
and other modifiable CVD risk factors."

Now they're going after children in Nigeria.

"In children congenital heart disease is the most common type of birth
defect worldwide, with an incidence of 3.5 per 1000 in Nigeria. Cardiac
Health Initiative is focused on providing treatment for less privileged
children and adults with heart disease. We organize public health
campaigns, through which we provide free health screening within
communities to check for heart disease."

"Free health screening" is code for "a chance to get you suckered onto
meds." They will siphon money from the local governments to pay
for the mass medication of the locals...

Drug companies are obsessed with creating so-called "awareness" around
diseases…so they can sell you more drugs. America's almost tapped out, so
they're going after other countries.

As The People's Chemist, I'm obsessed with creating awareness around how to
LIVE YOUNG WITHOUT MEDS. Outside of an emergency situation,
you don't need them.

Especially Lipitor! High cholesterol is a kills nobody.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), over 105 million
Americans have total cholesterol levels of 200 mg/dL or higher. To the
pharmaceutical industry, this equates to 105 million potential customers.
In order to turn these millions of people into patients, America has been
told this cholesterol level is "bad" for them – so the lower the better.

The TRUTH is that rising cholesterol levels are simply an observation of
biology. It's a fact of life, not a sign of illness.

With dollar signs in their eyes, drug companies launched a massive fear
campaign about cholesterol. Being led by the pharmaceutically-compliant
National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), the campaign convinced the
entire world that LDL cholesterol is bad and that total cholesterol levels
should remain below 200 mg/dL in order to prevent heart disease.

(Of the nine nerdy members of the NCEP, eight had financial ties to
cholesterol-lowering drug makers like Pfizer, Merck, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
and AstraZeneca. This fact was concealed when the NCEP made its
recommendations public.)

The professional alarmists of the NCEP successfully created a cholesterol
problem in the minds of millions, while providing a false solution: the
cholesterol-lowering drugs.

It worked too, 'cause nobody knew what the hell cholesterol even was, prior
to the scary advertising disguised as "education"…And nobody got sick
from having high cholesterol…

The so-called disease of "high cholesterol" causes no fever, no coughing,
no labored breathing, no heart palpitations, no hormone imbalance, no pain,
no nothing! How do you convince someone who doesn't feel sick that they're
suffering from a terminal illness like "hypercholesterolemia" — which was
invented to describe "high cholesterol," and subsequently get them to take
Lipitor, every day, for life?

Pfizer's blockbuster drug Lipitor became the first prescription drug to
make more than $10 billion in annual sales. To date, Forbes Magazine tells
us that statins (i.e., cholesterol-lowering drugs) are earning drug pushers
$26 billion in annual sales – the equivalent of your lifetime income,
plus 1500 others, every year!

Think this kind of money can buy medical journals, ads and lobbying to push
fear along with the cholesterol-lowering agenda?

In my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, I expose the overt dangers of
Lipitor and many other popular drugs, while putting a spotlight on the
science that proves how natural medicine, costing less than $10 bucks per
month, trumps them all. Readers were dismayed to learn about the insidious
business model responsible for hiding these facts, while selling Lipitor
and other "drugs that suck."

Order a copy. Save a life:

The TRUTH about cholesterol is that it's very beneficial to the body, as
you age.

A versatile compound, cholesterol is vital to the function of the human
body and just like everything else; cholesterol levels differ greatly among
individuals. In humans, cholesterol serves five main functions:

1. Cholesterol is used by the body to manufacture steroids, or
cortisone-like hormones, including the sex hormones. These hormones include
testosterone, estrogen and cortisone. Combined, these hormones control a
myriad of bodily functions.

2. Cholesterol helps the liver produce bile acids. These acids are
essential for proper digestion of fats and in ridding the body of waste

3. Cholesterol acts to interlock "lipid molecules," which stabilize cell
membranes. As such, cholesterol is the building block for all bodily

4. Most notably, cholesterol is an essential part of the myelin sheath. The
myelin sheath, similar to the coating on copper wire, ensures that the
brain functions properly by aiding the passage of electrical impulses.
Without the myelin sheath, it is difficult to focus and we can lose memory.
This is why those on cholesterol lowering drugs notoriously lose memory.
Few users recognize this side effect because they forgot how important
having a memory was.

5. And finally, cholesterol has beneficial effects on the immune system.
Men with high cholesterol have stronger immune systems than those with low
cholesterol, as can be seen by the fact that they have more lymphocytes,
total T cells, helper T-cells and CD8+ cells. Many strains of bacteria,
which cause us to get sick, are almost totally inactivated by

…So why would it make any sense to artificially lower your
cholesterol with drugs? It doesn't.

Due to its importance, cholesterol must be circulated to all parts of the
body via the estimated 100,000 miles of arteries and veins within the adult
human body. Its circulation is based on the fact that oil and water do not

Cholesterol is an oily substance, termed a lipid, and cannot blend smoothly
with water-based blood. In order to transport this non-water soluble lipid
through the bloodstream, the body packages it into special "vehicles"
called lipoproteins.

The main cholesterol-carrying vehicle in the body is termed low-density
lipoprotein or LDL. Because this LDL carries the lipid known as
cholesterol, it is referred to as LDL-cholesterol.

Another form of lipoprotein, and there are numerous, is known as
high-density lipoprotein, or HDL-cholesterol. The notion that one is bad
and the other is good is simply based on the fact that LDL-cholesterol has
been found to be one of many components of arterial plaque – HDL has been
shown to transport cholesterol back to the liver. The simplistic notion
that one is good and the other bad is pharmaceutical sales rhetoric.

Bad cholesterol is as real as the Easter Bunny.

Whether a person's cholesterol is high or low, LDL-cholesterol will still
become a component of plaque. There is no relation to the amount of
LDL-cholesterol and the severity of plaque. Plaque is nature's "Band Aid"
to the damaged inner layer of the artery, known medically as the
endothelium. Without the packaging of LDL-cholesterol we would not be
alive. How can this be bad? It's like saying the immune system is harmful
to us.

Drug companies like Pfizer want you to believe that high cholesterol causes
heart disease (i.e., atherosclerosis). As explained above, that's bullshit.

What Really Causes Heart Disease?

Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory response initiated by damage to the
innermost layer (known as the endothelium) of the arteries, which faces the
bloodstream. This can happen anywhere, but 90% of the time it happens in
the spaghetti-sized arteries of the heart (coronary arteries), probably due
to the mechanical stress in this region.

Preventing damage to the endothelium of the arteries sets precedence over
lowering LDL-cholesterol levels. Damage to the inner layer of the coronary
artery can be attributed to any number of biological disturbances. Working
to prevent these inflammatory disturbances is working to prevent plaque
build-up and subsequent atherosclerosis/premature death that may follow.

10 Reasons Why You Might Have Heart Disease

- Oxidized Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL)
- Infection
- Smoking
- High blood pressure
- High blood sugar and insulin attributed to insulin resistance
- Type II diabetes
- Increased levels of homocysteine attributed to lack of folate and
nutritive B vitamins
- Increased levels of cortisol (i.e. stress)
- Lack of exercise
- Lack of nutritive vitamin C (best source citrus fruits)

To create a body free of cardiovascular (and other) diseases, make sure to
grab a copy of

The first step to avoiding heart disease is to get the hell off
cholesterol-lowering drugs, and let your cholesterol rise to a healthier

Learn how to do this safely, by reading Over-the-Counter Natural Cures

Order a copy for yourself & your loved ones:

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Pfizer's is pushing a BS "awareness campaign" on cardiovascular
diseases. You can bet it's nothing more than a sinister agenda —
disguised as "education" — to get more of the world's population hooked
on the cholesterol-lowering drug, Lipitor. Don't get swindled by this, or
other public relations scams. Educate yourself on what true cardiovascular
health looks like, by reading my book: