Subject: Low Triglycerides Means Low Heart Attack Risk


A triglyceride is a sugar molecule attached to a fat molecule...When
triglycerides are high, it means that you have too much sugar in
your blood and that you could be headed for a dastardly outcome...

In addition to latching on to a fat molecule, sugar also combines with an
amino acid...That yields something called an Advanced Glycated End (AGE) product.

Floating in your blood, AGE products SCAR the walls of arteries, causing
them to get weak and frail.

That's the perfect set up for heart attack.

Therefore, high triglycerides are a sign of high sugar and heart attack risk.

Anything that lowers triglycerides, is going to lower AGE products
as well as the inflammation in your cardiovascular system...This is
especially true for anyone overweight or with Type II diabetes.

That's why I designed CINNERGY!

Cinnergy PLUMMETS triglycerides and AGE products.

It pulls sugar out of the blood like nothing else can...

Blood tests prove it!

A recent fan sent us the email raving about his blood test.

"Shane, I am a living testimonial to your product Cinnergy. As history has it
my triglyceride count was 250-300 for the last 20 yrs. Recently I started taking
Cinnergy, I just recieved my last blood results from my doctor- triglycerides
@ 104. Awesome. And you may print that! - Dan

Learn more at

Preserve your health and stop worrying! All orders of Cinnergy get a FREE
book that teaches how to lower sugar with diet!

Watch the 1-minute video that explains it all at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist