Subject: Low Thyroid and Testosterone Shunting Fat Loss?



January 9, 2011

Check out these HIT Men and Women! They got MAD, and fought fat back! You can too.

Face it. Fat covers our true physique, making us appear flabby, weaker and less toned. It imprisons our body, depriving us of our confidence, self-esteem and overall outlook on life.

It’s time to be relentless; be who you really are.

Get some balls and fight fat right back with The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery!

How to Crush Dead Weight (for $3 per day) with The 7 Phases of Fat Loss – Regardless of a Sluggish Thyroid or Low Testosterone (Only 20 Programs Left!)

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To master fat loss, you need to master your hormone intelligence.

What’s yours hormone intelligence?

TPC Hormonal IQ Test:

• Are you eating “low-cal” sport bars or pre-packaged foods?
• Are you using an FDA approved drug as a diet pill?
• Are you exercising 5 to 6 days per week?
• Are you eating more than 3 meals per day?
• Are you juicing or fasting?
• Are you ingesting hormones that aren’t made by your body?
• Are eating fruit?
• Are you eating one meal per day?
• Are you skipping breakfast?

If you answered YES to any single one of these techniques, your body is not losing fat while building lean, sexy muscle. Your body is in fact, hormonally out-of-whack. If weight loss is occurring, it’s only due to the loss of water, glycogen and/or muscle! This will empty your energy stores, and cause you to age prematurely…

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It’s All about Hormones

It’s high time you quit the “can’t-win game” of dieting and DISCOVER THE REAL FACTS. There is only one way to force your body to shed fat, while preserving water, glycogen and lean sexy muscle… IT’S CALLED HORMONE INTELLIGENCE THERAPY (HIT)

Undeniably, being a HIT Man or Woman is the only way to kick ass and live young...And that’s why I love selling it and marketing it – it’s not another trend or scam designed to profit on people’s most intense desires to finally be thin, be confident, be powerful. It’s a viable plan that works phenomenally well at carving out top physiques, and any age, when applied.

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And it’s simple. Here’s how it works.

If you’re breathing, right now, you have “hormones of fat destruction.” Some of you are using them, while others of you are “hiding them,” or simply unaware of how to tap into their potential…

These same hormones can also:

• Boost muscle growth
• Smooth aging skin
• Increase energy
• Raise libido
• Lower blood pressure
• Strengthen your heart
• Get you noticed

But more importantly, these hormones crush dead weight – the excess fat that’s been holding you back from experiencing the life you were born to have and putting you at risk for:

• Heart Disease
• Type II Diabetes
• Cancer

My Surprising Fat Loss Discovery Found Buried in Old Chemistry Papers

As a graduate student studying medicinal chemistry, I came across a unique discovery late one night sifting through the library…One that had been buried and forgotten in some of the oldest chemistry journals to date…One that could wipe away premature illness…all of them. It was a science I eventually termed “hormonal intelligence.”

Hormonal intelligence refers to a body that is balancing and producing its own set of age-defying hormones, at the right time of day. Not only does this control metabolism, but it also helps the body tap into its own “internal pharmacy.” This pharmacy is the Holy Grail. Ask any athlete…

Athletes who train at high altitude perform better when they go back to sea level. This performance enhancing technique is the result of optimizing hormone intelligence. It lasts about two weeks thanks to the “internal pharmacy” producing HEMOGLOBIN, which helps athletes take in more oxygen. Taken to extremes, athletes will draw their blood, store it, and then inject it back into their body for a quick boost. The military also uses it, and calls it “blood loading.”

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A Body that Gets Noticed for The Right Reasons

You don’t need high altitude (though it can help) to harness HIT, and it does far more than produce hemoglobin! HIT tightly defines muscles, grants the capacity to outperform your peers by a tremendous margin and a helps you have abs or a back side that people will probably look twice at.

And I have the pictures to prove it!

From Jelly Belly to HIT Man in 3 Weeks

"The VA (Veteran's Administration) has determined that I have...and I quote...REVERSED MY DIABETES [three weeks on The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery]! My blood sugar numbers went from the mid to high 200's down to the mid to upper 80's! They have also reluctantly pull me OFF of ALL medications! Friggin amazing! They are stunned at the visual results and the results of their blood tests. In fact, they had me take the test 3 times because they thought their results were wrong LOLOL. And one of the directors was so baffled, he said he has type II diabetes as well and asked me what I am doing or did."

From Soft to Slim, he beats a type 2 diabetes diagnosis and gets RIPPED!

"Here is me on July 17, a week and a half before I was diagnosed with diabetes (see attached picture). I weighed 170 lbs. Today (Nov. 8) I weigh 147 lbs. Thanks for helping me get my health back."

Seven Phases of Fat Loss

When you undergo Hormonal Intelligence Therapy (HIT) there are seven phases of fat loss:

Level One: Fat storing is shunted by displacing an obesity compound found in belly fat known as adenosine.

Level Two: Fat burning switches – known as beta adrenergic receptors – on fat cells are triggered. Thyroid function returns. This forces your body to use calories more efficiently while ensuring that your muscles respond to exercise.

Level Three: Adrenals are brought back to life courtesy of amplifying norepinephrine and other fat melting compounds.

Level Four: Estrogen dominance is obliterated among men and women in favor of a perfect balance of testosterone. This wards off insulin resistance and high blood sugar while at the same time brings a lame libido back to life. It also helps the skin look livelier and vibrantly young.

Level Five: All fat storing hormones are vacuumed from the blood by activating an enzyme known as hormone sensitive lipase. This will further lower insulin and drastically plummet high blood sugar. Energy levels and strength begins to surge.

Level Six: Optimize your own output of human growth hormone (hGH). Unique amino acid blend provides the body with amino acid building blocks so that your internal pharmacy can produce a wide array of anti-aging hormones like hGH and testosterone.

Level Seven: Trigger your own production of "feel good molecules" that exist such as dopamine and ALL of its derivatives in unison for total mood stabilization and focus.

Wimps Need Not Apply

Force your fat to sweat. Force your fat to build muscle. Force your fat to energize you. Force your fat to melt with my help! As your fat dissipates, your freedom grows. Your true physique emerges. People start to notice. Your spouse compliments you. There will be a point that you’ll have to buy smaller, better fitting clothes, even a new bathing suit.

Confidence is free to breath and all other areas of your life get better when you have a physique people respect! You learn that health is the new wealth. You are empowered.

And it only takes a matter of 90 days!

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This is the true anti-aging solution and your investment is less than $3 per day!

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Work directly with me to Crush Dead Weight!

That’s right, take advantage of my 90 day special, and you get direct access to me! No excuses! See the pictures and crush dead weight now at