Subject: ~Low Stock Alert: Cruciferous Vegetables that Fight Cancer!

...and in it's first few weeks, TPC Essential Greens is a bestseller!

That's the good news.

The bad news is that I'm almost sold out.

That's because people are catching on!

Getting your required vegetables is one of the best things you can
do for your health and longevity!

That's because they're loaded with "glucosinolates."

These are natural substances "that have been found to inhibit cancers of
the bladder, breast, colon, liver, lung and stomach! Cruciferous
vegetables protect cells from DNA damage by inactivating carcinogens and
decreasing inflammation. They can also help inhibit the formation of blood
vessels and the migration of tumor cells, processes that help spread

That means if you are feeding your body with sugar, alcohol, tap water
and other things that are known to cause cancer, then you need a "shield."

That's where TPC Essential Greens comes in.

Learn why thousands are stockpiling this one-of-a-kind greens product
before it's too late!

Go here:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. TPC Essential Greens has the highest doses of the most nutritious
greens ever put into one product! Guaranteed! Mix it with water, whey
or best, mix with vegetable juice and a squeeze of lemon! Enjoy the
rush of power, guaranteed! Go here:

P.P.S. Stay tuned for an exclusive interview with a heart surgeon who
helped is patients "ditch the meds!" He's also a competitive Ironman at 73 years