Subject: ~Look! Doctor's LOVE this Heart Herb! [Why?]

From Shane Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor's degree in biology
- Master's degree in organic chemistry
- Abandoned his former career as a pharmaceutical chemist
- Help's people
 ditch the meds to live a healthier, more active life
- Author of 3 Worst Meds, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures and more...



Many doctors are recommending
 this herb for (preventive)
heart health. It's that good...and it's super important to take 6 minutes
to learn about it!

Yes, it's true!

. . . drug-pushing doctors are recommending an herb for superior
heart health to counter rogue blood clots, high blood pressure
and a-Fib!

Bye bye statins, blood pressure meds and the GAWD awful blood
thinners! (I've been preaching this for 2 decades.)

The world is now taking notice. You should too.

It's called hawthorn.

And when pharmaceutical-foot soldier doctors start pushing highly purified
forms of hawthorn to promote a wide array of heart health, it's time
to start using it daily! No excuses! Your longevity and activity levels
are yearning for it!

Hawthorn is the Holy Grail for the entire cardiovascular system:

- heart
- arteries
- veins

In fact, since I used to be a pharmaceutical chemist, I’ll go as far as
saying that it can be used to not only help support, but also maintain a
healthy cardio system for the rest of your life.

Many people have to take a f@#king statin for life!

That’s criminal.

Statins don’t prevent heart disease…and cause
sore muscles, wrinkles, liver damage, dementia and
Parkinson's Disease!

Worldwide, doctors have been using hawthorn since the early
1800’s, if not before then.

It's just now getting big in the USA!

"In most herbal reference texts, hawthorn extract . . . is recommended as
oral treatment option for chronic heart failure. In Germany, its use
has been
approved for use in patients with New York Heart Association
class II symptoms, and the extract is marketed as a prescription
medicine. . . ."

— Laura Jeanne Eaton, MD. Scott Kinkade MD.

“. . . Other studies of hawthorn in patients with heart failure
revealed improvement in clinical symptoms, pressure–heart rate
left ventricular ejection fraction, and patients’ subjective
sense of well-being.”

— Stephen Dahmer, MD & Emilie Scott, MD,

But be careful when you buy it, because not all hawthorn is the same:

Is the extract highly concentrated?

Has it been tested for as a Genetically Modified Organism?

Has it been tested for pesticides, heavy metals and preservatives?

Where does it come from, and has it been processed correctly?

This is where The People’s Chemist comes into play…

Are you paying attention?

It’s called Cardio FX. I developed it just out of graduate school…a
young chemist, I was awarded Graduate Student of The Year for my work in
natural product chemistry.


(INSIDER TIP: Add 3 Cardio FX to cart and get an automatic 15% off plus
free shipping!)

…from that came the greatest heart medication ever developed…it
replaces blood thinners, BP meds and also increases oxygen distribution
among athletes. Its that f@#cking good.

Cardio FX is even better than the lab-tested, hawthorn extract used by many
health care professionals! That’s why so many are making the switch to
Cardio FX!

I included grape seed, garlic powder and magnesium citrate – making
Cardio FX a true food-source blend of heart-healthy nutrients.
Click here to see why and how.
And then scroll down a little bit.
I personally screen every botanical as it gets delivered to my lab!

That’s what chemists do, after all. We obsess over purity.

I also answer consumer’s questions.

Like, “How do I wean from my BP drugs while taking Cardio FX?”

And what’s really impressive about hawthorn, when combined with grape
seed, garlic powder and magnesium citrate, you can ditch the meds!

You can also ditch the fast food, soda and missed exercise!

With Cardio FX you start feeling so great, you WANT to live young again!

Take Cardio FX, throw the f@#cking meds in the trash.

(Prescription meds are the top killer in the US. The body count has
grown to over 100,000 per year. That doesn't count opiate use and
medical error! Fawwwwwk!")

…so don’t you owe it to yourself to see more about Cardio FX?


# It’s amazing for supplementing a lifestyle for heart disease
 Just make it part of your breakfast, lunch or dinner – and
you’re off to the races!

Click here if you would like more information on 
Cardio FX, or if you
need to ask me a question -----> LOW STOCK ALERT:

It would be interesting to see how well this can help you.

I’ll see you over there! EMAIL me your success story! I use it, you
get FREE GIFT! Straight from the heart!

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Cardio FX is the first multi-nutrient for the entire cardiovascular
system. As a true food-source blend of heart-healthy nutrients, it strives
to restore proper circulation, blood pressure control, increased delivery
of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, reduced clotting and maximized
energy – all in one product! Based on Nobel Prize-winning science, Cardio
FX is the Holy Grail for cardiovascular health and athletic performance.


(INSIDER TIP: Add 3 Cardio FX to cart and get an automatic 15% off plus
free shipping!)