Subject: ~Living Young at 106 Years Old!

Find a passion and chase down like hell until the f@#cking wheels
fall off...get off social media!

That's the meaning to life and the short story of this email if you want to skip it for Instagram...

...Just got done sipping 35 year old wine with a friend at his
amazing home in the Hollywood Hills. Before that
I was grappling with one of the best jiu-jitsu grapplers in the world.
And a few days before that, I was practicing my landings at the
Winslow, AZ airport, famously designed by the first person to ever
fly across the Atlantic ocean.

(I bet most kids don't even know who that is or what his plane was
called, thanks to social media...)

Most people are living their lives away as Facebook trolls or tweeting
senseless bits of data across the internet…trying to prove that they’re
the biggest ape.

Give it a few years, and they’ll wake up bitter and old, with nothing to
look back on.

Experience is the only true currency in life and social media sure as f#ck
isn’t gonna yield dividends. (When I deleted my social media accounts -
70,000 followers - my business skyrocketed, along with my quality of life.
People actually went to my website rather than scroll past the links on
a long page of social media doodoo.)

In contrast, there’s Doris Lockness who is enjoying life’s most
precious currency in the REAL worls. She has piles of wealth that keep
her waking up with a smile every day, even at 106 years old. She’s living
young and enjoying her longevity…savoring her memories of being a pilot.

A article recounts Doris’ incredible life: “Decades
before the feminist movement Doris was a pilot, flying small airplanes
during World War II until the brink of the 21st century. She was only the
55th woman in the world to earn a commercial helicopter license and went on
to gain additional licenses to fly seaplanes, gyroplanes, hot air balloons
and gliders.”

She even enlisted in World War II.

After the war, Doris worked as a flight instructor and performed in air
shows for decades all across the country. She remembers “countless thrill
rides she experienced high up in the sky. ‘The loop-to-loops were the
best,’ she said.”

Her love for speed didn’t stop there…she’s also a car enthusiast and
an honorary member of the Sacramento Jaguar Club. "She sold her last Jaguar
to her doctor when she was 103," says the article.

Doris found her passion and turned it into a lifetime of awesome

As a pilot and adventure junkie myself, Doris is inspiring. She’s the
epitome of living with no regrets…reflecting on a life of flying and
making precious memories through unforgettable experiences. Age only
enhances her life, rather than detracting from it.

Today, more than half of Americans are choking down a fistful of meds,
every day. Many of these people won’t realize life’s currency. And many
are so drugged, they won’t care…

Most people acts like helpless, entitled brats, plopping their lazy assed
in front of some asinine TV show…filling their brain with useless shit.
As they vegetate, practically brain dead for hours, they tweet their lives
away about “how bad today sucked,” “who should be allowed into Target
bathrooms,” or "whether climate change is real or not." We’ve got 40-
and 50-year-olds doing this shit…never mind the 20-year-olds.

Take a clue from Doris Lockness. Find a passion and chase down like
hell until the wheels fall off. And remember, it’s easier to run without a
phone in your hand.

"Doris never starts the day with a complaint," says her caregiver.
"Whenever I see her, the first thing she says is, ‘I’m doing great.’"

That’s living young.

The People’s Chemist

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