Subject: Limited Time Offer: Diet Book NOW AVAILABLE!


Sugar kills 180,000 people per year!

This figure came from a scientific meeting held by the American
Heart Association (AHA). Researchers collected data from the 2010 Global
Burden of Disease Study, and linked sweetened drinks to 133,000 diabetic
deaths, 44,000 cardiovascular deaths, and 6,000 cancer deaths.

Pay close attention...This involves you.

If you are alive right now, you've been affected by sugar. Both physically
and mentally.

Once you consume it, your brain starts doing back-flips to celebrate.
That’s addiction setting in. It forces you to want more. At the same
time, the hormone insulin is released from your pancreas to taxi sugar out
of the blood and into cells, where it is stored as fat. If insulin didn't come
to your rescue, the sugar in your blood would become toxic...Fact is, you
were NEVER meant to have it.

Our body was only made to ingest fruit, which has special compounds in it
called TANNINS. These help the body process sugar quickly WITHOUT
excess insulin.

(Still though, fruit is NOT supposed to be consumed by anyone trying to
lose weight...)

In contrast to fruit, intake of sugar via soda, fruit juice or Vitamin
Water is self-sabotage. But sugar isn't the only problem!

Former FDA Commissioner Dr. David Kessler says that thousands of
unapproved chemical flavors are “hijacking our brain." Once they glide
over your taste buds, they force you into eating too f#@%ing much! Just
like sugar!

Proper hormone function is suffocated.

Dieting only makes it worse.

Time magazine highlighted this, writing that, “A new study by Australian
researchers helps explain why [dieters can’t lose weight]: a symphony of
hormonal changes sends the body relentless signals to slow metabolism
and increase the urge to eat, for at least a year after weight loss!

Fact is, there is no exercise program or diet that will work if you

To help people get their lives back, I wrote The Stop Eating So F@#$ing
Much Diet book. It outlines 6 simple habits that will help you start
living thin and slim again.

It will also help you avoid the cardiovascular killers like heart disease
and heart failure. And at the same time, your risk of cancer will plummet.

I promise!

This book has not been available as a stand-alone purchase for WEEKS!

It sells that quick...In fact, every time I send an email out for it, I
sell out. Good for me, bad for anyone who wants to master their
hormones and physique!

Fortunately, as of 20 minutes ago, It's available!

Reserve your copy now so you can live longer and look good doing it!


Here are a few comments from the ones lucky enough to snatch it up early:

"I love everything about this book, but mostly straight answers. There is
no mincing of words and your dislike of internet research. It has really
taught me that everything that goes in affects the hormones and how that
works against being a HIT woman. It has made me think twice about eating
habits that were once considered OK. All of the lies hit it right on, but
number 8 is especially important to many around me. Also, Being very fair
skinned, I have always avoided the sun, but now I get out to get some of
that vital "vitamin" D and MSH. I want to be a HIT woman."

- Dina W.

"Everything, the cover, simplicity and no bullshit! Also love I don't have
to eat only grass and kill myself excersising like a circus pony."

- Larissa K.

"There's no "fluff" or placating the masses with this one, just plain
straight shooting and no BS."

- Ryann WS

"Straight forward and simple information! Pictures in the back of book are

- Alexis D.

"Love that it teaches you that exercise has little to do with weight loss,
it's what you consume. Love how you put things to avoid in the ingredient
labels. FDA sucks!"

-Frankee P.

"To the point and without political correctness. Stop eating so much."

- Tammy F.

"Easy to read....straight to the point....very changing
book!!! I tell everyone about "The People's Chemist"!!! If you want the
real this book!!!!!!!....since I started getting your
e-mails...reading and implementing all your information my health has
changed drastically. It has been well over 2 years since any of my blood
work has shown low blood sugar. I eat 3 meals a day...stay away from
processed crap and I feel great! Thanks Shane!!"

-Sherri HR

"The m/f tells you how to have your shirt off in the summer or winter."

- Ray B.

"It fuckn works ....BUT ...u have to want to WORK ...."

- Victor V.

"The author's effective communication techniques."

- Terry P.

"I like that it aligns with other truths about the pharmaceutical industry
that for a few years now I have been reading about, which most would
dismiss as 'conspiracy theories'."

- David O.

"Truth, no nonsense, blunt, how to live my best life and having my hormones
work for me not against me! Got my whey advanced in the mail today, love
love love it!!!"

- Heather B.

"It's sane and doable. There's no starving or Elk Meat Only Tuesdays. Oh,
and it works. Nothing used to madden me more than having real fixable
problems dismissed by a doctor with a faded much-xeroxed 1200 calorie food
exchange sheet and an Rx for something awful. For my $120.00. Next!"

- Dorothy J.

"To the point, no fluff, no BS. Just everything thing you need to know to
go from the Fat Cow Hall of Fame to a Bad Ass Beach Body."

- Ben C.

"Because you reveal truth. I recommend everyone that I know to read your
stuff. It makes LOGICAL sense rather than the rhetoric spewed at us by the
majority of society."

- Mc Kenze C.

"Its simply a dummies guide to the most natural way of losing weight
gaining muscle. Looking and feeling sexy while promoting great health.
Something NO diet ever has."

- Greg A.

"I have a nutrition background but I bought Shane's other book and was
pretty pleased. It's more than just the information- they're also really
entertaining. And ooooh do I know about the nutrition hacks. I LOVE
nutrition, it's a passion for me- but its an area where you've really gotta
wade through the horseshit to get a good ride."

- Ron R.

You have nothing to risk with this book!

Look, sugar isn't worth dying over! Use my new diet book to take charge
of your hormones and you'll get a lot more than just a great physique.


If you hate the book and think it’s a f#@%ing waste of time, send it back
for a refund. That’s how confident I am in it...Who the hell can’t
follow six simple habits that promise to restore youthful vitality, energy
and body composition? You’d have to be Charlie Sheen on a two week binge
not to be able to follow this.

Order now and when you have questions about your personal strategy, email
us at the support address we send you upon ordering...At no extra cost!
Remember, you can’t be healthy and overweight at the same time.


Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist