Subject: ~Lily rocked her "insulin" with it!


A few months ago, my daughter qualified for USA Olympic Lifting
Nationals. Last year she placed 15th. This year she's aiming for
top 5.

She competes at 116 lbs.

Off season she weighs 123 lbs. But, when she's competing,
she "optimizes" her weight for the lifting season. That means walking
around at 117 lbs.

There's no skipping meals. There's no excessive exercise and there's
no sweating in a sauna. It's just her mastering her hormones for her
best body.

And over the weeks, that's exactly what she has done.

Her state meet is Friday. Her goal is to beat everyone within 3 weight
classes...last time she beat everyone within 2.

Her secret is controlling her insulin levels!

Insulin and fat burning cannot co-exist. To keep fat burning around the

- She doesn't ANYTHING that tastes sweet
- She only eats every 5-6 hours
- She never "drinks" anything with calories
- And she takes Cinnergy once per week

Cinnergy is an organic blend of true cinnamon and milk thistle. It
targets insulin receptors and FORCES THEM TO BE MORE SENSITIVE
to insulin! That ensures that the pancreas stops producing the fat inflating

...It always works. This is the best replacement too for anyone on
toxic thyroid meds.

Was Lily grumpy and mean? Of course. She's 15 years old and likes
to indulge every now and then...Was she "suffering?" Hell no.

While optimizing her weight, she hit all new personal records
in track and lifting...bam. It's called hormone intelligence!

Master your insulin with Cinnergy at

Simple. Effective. Safe. You can even take it with meds to protect
your liver!

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Save 15% when you buy 3 at