Subject: Life-Extending, Anti Cancer IGNORED!

Friend, It's true...

Life-Extending, Anti-Cancer Discovery Ignored!

The medical establishments think you’re not smart enough to
read this. I know they are wrong…

Free-press is dead.

It was dead a long time ago.

Probably right around the time Big Pharma started paying for ad
space. Ever since, the real science behind natural medicine has
been ignored!

A team of scientists from the US and China have discovered that a
“colored compound” – from nature – kills leukemia and
other cancer cells by making them commit suicide…

That was in 2004. And even more recently…

Clinical Cancer Research and the medical journal Cancer Biology
showed that the same colored compounds made by key egetables
known as “anthocyanidins” do the following to protect you
from the pandemic killer:

“…Contribute to the inhibition of the production or formation
of tumors by blocking activation of the MAPK pathway [a key
chemical pathway that causes cancer in the body]. These findings
provide the first molecular basis for the anticarcinogenic
[anti-cancer] action of anthocyanidins [key compounds from

And just last year, scientists from the Department of Cancer
Studies and Molecular Medicine, Cancer Biomarkers and Prevention
Group, at the University of Leicester, Leicester, UK stated:

“In the light of their robust cancer chemopreventive efficacy
in experimental models and their superior stability, the
anthocyanins seem much more suitable for further drug

And that explains why they don’t tell you…THEY ARE TRYING TO

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