Subject: Letter from CEO: This Year’s Sales….


Good morning!

I’m Jeff, the CEO of The People’s Chemist. I’m Italian. I like
BMW’s, playing guitar and running a successful business. That’s why
I’m emailing you.

I have great news.

The People’s Chemist is celebrating over 10 years of
helping people get off prescription drugs so they can live a healthier,
more active lifestyle.

And this year is officially our biggest, ever. We’re already up over
153% from our most successful year!

That’s great news for everyone - you included.

It means that your voice is being heard. Now more than ever, people are
pitching their orange pill bottles into the recycle bin.

Sure, there’s others out there warning about health pitfalls.
But they only tell you what's bad for you.

"Fast food is bad."

"Soda is bad."

"Lack of exercise is bad."

"Antidepressants are bad."


At The People’s Chemist, we give you actionable advice. And that advice
is not only free, but also more valuable than anything you'd get from a
doctor's office or find online from a run-of-the-mill, oh-I-don't-want-
to-offend-you health guru.

In addition to record growth, Shane’s book Over-The-Counter Natural Cures
Expanded, has been a bestseller on Amazon and has almost 400 5-star

So, in addition to bragging, I wanted to tell you why we are growing so
fast: It’s the Education.

So please, keep getting educated! We need more smart people.

A lot of fans find out about TPC for the 1st time through our YouTube

Many of you still have questions about cholesterol. Shane made a great
video, The Truth About High Cholesterol and Why It Will Never Kill You that
goes over this exact question. Watch the video and learn
why no one should worry about their cholesterol figures:

It’s videos like these that give people real advice that they can use.
Like, What’s The #1 Reason Diets Fail? There’s a video for that! Why
Are Thyroid Meds Harming You? Yup, that too!? Got it covered!

These are all FREE to watch as many times as you want. Share them with
your friends and loved ones, so they can get a quick lesson in how to live
young, without drugs.

Forward this email.

To those of you who have read the books, taken Shane’s recommendations,
watched a video and made the choice to change your habits and your life -
Very Well Done!! Never look back! Your future and your life is in front of
you! Live it to the fullest! Live it, Young!

Best regards,
Jeff Milano
CEO The People’s Chemist

PS If there’s ONE natural supplement that you can take every single day
to help you in a variety of ways, it’s Daily Dose. To learn more, go to and discover how turmeric (curcumin) can
help prevent cancer, increase cardiovascular health and aid in digestion.
It really is nature’s very own "multi-vitamin" and if you’re not taking
it - you’re missing out! We are currently running low on it and you can
save 15% on a 3-pack to ensure you don’t run out during the backlog.