Subject: ~Letter from CEO: Moms, Vitamin D, Out-of-Stock and MORE!

Today, our search for health only makes us sicker.

Pregnant moms are given rat poison labeled as vitamin D.

Lab tests show that organic chocolate is laced with lead and other heavy

Lipitor rakes in billions yet has never been proven to stop heart attack or

Big Pharma uses ghostwriters to hype risky meds.

The courts shield the drug industry from all liability.

…Oh yea then there’s the beekeepers killing our precious bees with
insecticides only to yield honey laced with chemicals and yet more heavy

I'm Jeff, the CEO of The People’s Chemist. If you're like me, the only
place you want any heavy metal is at the Black Sabbath reunion concert.

Is anyone paying attention?

Prescription drugs and health products today are an abject failure.
Fortunately, The People’s Chemist shields you from all the nonsense.

For over 10 years we've been helping you get off your medications so that
you can live a healthier more active life.

To do that, we educate you on the dirty facts - the facts nobody wants to
be caught talking about. The People's Chemist told you years ago that
Lance Armstrong was a fraud. We told you aspirin was killing you. We
told you folic acid causes cancer...

And we were just getting warmed up. Our latest blog
updates aren't cheap renditions of the usual online crap:

Big Pharma manipulated medical journals to hook people on drugs:

How to choose BPA free water bottles:

How Colleges Help Pharma Hook Kids on Meds:

The dirty secrets of the organic food industry:

The worst test for pregnant moms:

And so much more! Click above so you're not one of the unlucky few caught
in the Pharma web.

These blog posts are just a small sample of the information you get for FREE
at The People’s Chemist.

But don't take our word for it...

Take Peter M. in New Jersey...He wrote to say, “I lost 2 inches off my
waist and my testosterone is up, naturally! I'm chasing my wife around the
bedroom or anywhere else I can catch her.”

Or Curt Z. in Hawaii who wrote to thank TPC for helping him
sort through the ocean of BS to help his 89 year old mother live the
higher quality of life she deserves.

Hell, take my own mother who is 85 years young and can (and does) run
circles around most people my own age (I'm 50)... She doesn't even follow
all of my directions and she’s STILL living young with daily Cardio FX!
And that high blood pressure she had while the doctor was prescribing her
meds - just a thing of the past. She didn't need them!

So, this is just a short reminder that our FREE information is better than
any PAID advice you will get from a medical doctor or otherwise. Put it to
good use at

Live Young!

Jeff M.
CEO The People’s Chemist

P.S. We have been sold out of The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery and Whey
Advanced for about two weeks. We expect to open up orders within
a few weeks. We fill these on a first come, first serve basis. We cannot take
pre-orders. Please stop asking.

P.S.S. We are successfully shipping in Canada! We have also expanded
our shipping houses in the US. To serve both East and WEst coast fans,
we ship direct out of LA and Chicago. Stock up on available products now