Subject: ~Letter from CEO: Firing Annoying Customers

Badasses rip up their prescriptions in front of the doctor!

…Wait, sorry. That was premature.

Let me back up.

Our customer list was carrying too much dead weight.

The problem for TPC is the same problem for the rest of the world:

A small few can ruin it for the majority.

As CEO of The People’s Chemist, I’m happy to say, we have gotten rid of
the dead weight - whiners, haters and overtly annoying sons-of-bitches.

We had to so that it wouldn't impede us from helping our top fans live young.

It seems the internet has become the new hangout for anyone and anything
that is a pain-in-the-ass.

(If you're getting this, you’re a VIP, so far. Shane deleted anyone
and everyone who caused us one iota of hassle…)

Luckily, TPC fans are different.

They actually READ.

Once someone has read even just one of Shane’s books, they understand
that to stay one step ahead of the “big push” to get everyone hooked on
meds, they have to open the emails he sends and READ

Things change… and there’s a ton of questions answered in Shane’s

Shane’s own research is constantly evolving and adapting to the growing
prescription drug landscape.

Email is how we keep everyone updated. So use it.

As the world continues to change - we, as a company have to change, evolve
and adapt too.

And it’s been the annoying SOBs - not our true fans - who haven’t even
bothered to open their emails that cause the most trouble. Then they call
and bury us with questions and nonsense complaints.

…They’re also the ones who haven’t cracked open a book in decades.

As a result, we just fired over 100,000 people who haven’t been paying

Shane has always said, If you won’t read, we can’t help you.

He meant it.

Besides, who wants to write about their life’s work to a bunch of lazy
f@#ckers who can’t be bothered to read an email?

Not Shane.

Not me.

It was time to get rid of the dead weight…

You - our true fans, are the ones we work for.

Thank-you for your support. Stay gold!

In the meantime, please… if you do one thing this summer, QUIT SUGAR!

Make quitting sugar worth it by doing the Free 18-Minute Workout posted

Stay gold and CARVE YOUR BEST BODY with the Raw-T Starter Kit

Raw-T separates the wimps from the badasses.

Wimps follow doctor’s orders…

Ok…now…Badasses tear their prescriptions up in front of the doctor!

Enjoy your summer,

Jeff M.
CEO The People’s Chemist

P.S. Raw-T is free of side effects and helps your body optimize it's
own, unique testosterone balance, output and sensitivity! Shane
designed this product based on his ground-breaking research in graduate
school...he even won Grad Student of The Year for his work!

Raw-T is the real deal! Get it at

Men! Ditch the gels and the risk! Get Raw-T! (LOW STOCK ALERT!)