Subject: ~Legally You Can’t Call This a Cancer Cure

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is working really hard to get people off natural cures. Make a claim that anything fights cancer and you're breaking "the law."

Let's take curcumin as an example. Curcumin has been shown to reverse cancer…

But under FTC law, it's "illegal" for someone to refer to curcumin as a "natural cure for cancer" if they sell a curcumin product.

This is true whether it's a supplement, a lotion, or a curcumin-flavored potato chip.

But, if it's an FDA approved drug, it's perfectly acceptable to market it as a cancer treatment - even if it kills the majority of patients, like chemotherapy.

The charade goes on thanks to:
  • Speedy drug approvals
  • Fudged research statistics
  • Ghostwriters
  • Fake studies
  • And lame ass doctors
These are common practices that happen all the time.

Something isn't a "cure" unless it's an FDA-approved drug…convenient, right?

You might be wondering, if curcumin has been shown to cure or reverse cancer, then why doesn't someone just turn it into a drug, so that it can it be "FDA-approved"? 

Good question.

The issue here is that you can't patent curcumin — unless you fuck it up, modify it, and make it drastically different from its original form. In which case, it wouldn't be curcumin anymore.

Drug companies make money mainly through patents. In order to patent a drug, it has to be man-made…So, they take an ingredient from nature…screw it up so badly, it's unrecognizable…then call it their own.  Then poison patients with it under patent law.

In other words, all drugs today have safer, plant based origins. The drug company business model simply forbids using them…

Plants are cheap and cannot be patented. Drug companies can't make insane profits off plants. Doesn't matter that the plant has been scientifically shown and proven to cure patients of cancer…drug companies aren't interested. (And you thought they were genuinely trying to create real medical cures from the goodness of their heart?!?

So what do they do instead?

They sell chemo…the most deadly "cancer cure" scam of all time.

Are you thinking of a career as a serial killer? Just work for a chemo drug maker or pharmaceutical sales rep…

Ultimately, not all natural cures are cures. There are plenty of traps there, too. That's why I wrote, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures EXPANDED. People needed a road map.

Read for FREE at

And if you're looking for a great curcumin supplement, look no further: 

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded offers a clear and concise method for winning the war on cancer. Read it for FREE at

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The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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