Subject: ~Leaving Las Vegas...

...Well, we survived Vegas!

We've visited every year for 19 years to celebrate our anniversary!

The Palazzo suite was nice. (Encore is more preferable to us.)

Jerry Seinfeld got my standing ovation at Ceasar's Palace.

And we didn't lose a single a dime gambling...only 'cause we don't

The weather was hot and sunny. Lounging by the pool, I counted
100 random people. And to my dismay, 87% were overweight by
30 pounds or more!

Wasn't judging, was just counting and observing. After all, I'm a chemist
and I've been fat...

When you're overweight by that much, you start trading years for
calories. You can't be healthy and overweight at the same time.

Sadly, since obesity has become the norm, most people have no
idea that they're obese...and nobody knows what to do about it!





When you're lugging excess weight, diet and exercise are just a temporary
fix, at best.

The only way to get your best body and health is by mastering your

...and once you do that, your body is primed to burn fat and live young.

Shannon is a testament to that...a new fan, I ran into her a month after
she started mastering her hormones with my AM-PM Fat Loss
Discovery (

She was a new woman!

Shedding the extra layers of fat, her true self was shining and I didn't
even recognize...looked past her in fact. That was embarrassing.

We have her short story on film!

Watch now at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. The AM PM Fat Loss Discovery is a 90 day program that optimizes
your hormone balance, output and sensitivity so you can start living young.
If you can invest just over $4 per day and have a burning desire to live your
best, get it now at