Subject: Latest in Pain Relief (11th Anniversary Pic Included)


August 26, 2010

  From The Desk of The People's Chemist

My wife and I recently celebrated out 11th anniversary! One thing I've learned over the years is that we both share similar rules on raising our kids. And one of those rules is to only give medicine as a very last resort. This is especially true when it comes to relieving pain...


Nancy is no dummy.

She knows that common pain killers like Tylenol can be dangerous. That’s why she uses my natural alternative, Relief-FX, a non-toxic product developed using the latest in natural product chemistry.

Did it work?

Ask Nancy:

“I have had neck pain, stiffness and sometimes vertigo all my life although I was never much of a "pill taker". After 27 years training with heavy weights in the gym, pain has become a matter for serious management, and prescription and over-the-counter pain meds were never considered to be an option due to their liver and kidney dangers. I have been looking for several years for a natural pain reliever that works, and Relief FX has been just that! It works in minutes just as advertised. It is now on my list of permanent quality-of-life health/fitness aids. Thank you!”

Nancy is no doubt taking charge of her health…

Learn more here with my Pain Relief Fact Sheet and save 15%!

But what about our vulnerable children who don’t know better?

I cringe when I see parents rush to the medicine cabinet and grab Tylenol to stop pain. But it's an action I can relate to.

When my daughter Lily came home with a splitting headache, I wanted her to feel better fast, and I would have done anything to help her.

That’s why I made Relief-FX in the beginning – I wanted an all natural, non-toxic pain killer that has zero long term effects…

I never wanted to succumb to using Tylenol in those rare instances that pain can be overwhelming, because I know that despite the short term benefits, I’d be risking my daughter’s future health in a big way!

…I wish I could scream that at the top of my lungs so other parents knew I meant business here!!!

Most people don’t know how truly dangerous Tylenol can be.

Among healthy people, nearly 40 percent of people taking Tylenol had abnormal test results that would signal liver damage, according to a new study that appears in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Imagine trying to help your child and at the same time injuring them with a lifetime of liver damage!? It's true and it can happen.

This study and those before it prove that even healthy people, who take NORMAL, SUGGESTED dosages of Tylenol AKA acetaminophen, are playing roulette with their lives!

Major scientific journals have tried to warn health professional to no avail...

Consider their telling quote:

“The FDA has struggled with the issue of acetaminophen's safety since at least 1977, when an agency committee suggested that labels for pain relievers contain a warning that they can damage a patient's liver.”

The government will not protect you.

When speaking on a recent meeting designed to measure the real damage caused by Tylenol, ABC News said, "No matter the outcome of the meeting [highlighting the risks of Tylenol], however, consumers will still be able to get acetaminophen [Tylenol]. Twenty-nine billion extended units (tablets/capsules/milliliters) of prescription and over-the-counter, acetaminophen-containing products were sold through retail and non-retail pharmacies in 2005, according to the FDA."

It’s all about wealth, not your health. You need to take CHARGE!

Within 15 minutes of taking Relief-FX, my daughter was lying calmly on my bed, snuggled with her Teddy and said that the pill must contain a bunch of “fire fighters who rush to her head to put the fire out.”

Twenty five minutes later, she was sleeping calmly. And I was satisfied knowing I could help her without risking her future health! You can do the same!

Trash your OTC pain relievers and always keep Relief-FX in your medicine cabinet!

Relief-FX is made and designed by me to smother pain, fast.

Learn more here with my Pain Relief Fact Sheet and save 15%!

To living young, inexpensively!

The People's Chemist