Subject: ~Latest Science Behind Nature's Antibiotic


I just got another email from a fan using Immune FX!

This one is especially exciting because it kept him out of
the dentist chair and off prescription antibiotics.

He had an abscessed tooth. An infection of the roots or gums, it got so
bad his tooth was loose.

Any doctor would have instantly given him drugs.

That's playing Roulette. All antibiotic meds are risky and proven to
make matters worse. And doctors reporting for MedPageToday recently found
“Macrolide antibiotic use is associated with an increased risk of sudden
cardiac death and ventricular tachyarrhythmias.”

What they found was just crazy:

Antibiotic use was associated with a 31% increased risk of cardiovascular
death. It was also associated with a 2.42-fold increased risk for
Sudden Cardiac Death or ventricular tachyarrhythmias!

So why are doctors prescribing antibiotics?

And why would anyone willingly subject themselves to these

Well, because it's one nation under drugs. Nobody knows
they have an alternative!

Except for this fan!

"Friday night a tooth started to abscess. By Saturday it was so
bad the tooth was loose. I took the maximum dose of Immune FX
during the day. Within a couple of hours I was pain free and the tooth
was no longer loose. I didn't mention it in my earlier email because I
figured it was probably a "normal" miracle for you guys - whereas the
improvement in my heart condition is a really major miracle from my

This is real life...Living young, infection free with nature and no

It's The People's Chemist heaven. And God is lecturing all those slags
giving me shit for cussing...I just overheard him recite Luke 6:37.

Kick ass God!

Scientific research on the active ingredients of Immune FX are
everywhere. Just recently, The Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
published the results of their study:

"In the present study the ethanol extract of the aerial part of
Andrographis paniculata [active ingredients of Immune FX] was prepared
and evaluated for antimicrobial activity against eleven bacterial strains by
determining minimum inhibitory concentration and zone of inhibition.
The results revealed that, the ethanol extract is potent in inhibiting
bacterial growth of both Gram-negative and Gram positive bacteria."

This only echoes the results of similar studies going back decades!

Immune FX is the real deal. Trash your drugs, vitamin D and
ascorbic acid disguised as "vitamin C."

Stock up on Immune FX at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Here's another success story of

"My daughter has suffered with asthma and upper respiratory infections for
years. After reading your book I was convinced this supplement would help
her. She had been very sick for weeks and had tried inhalers, nebulizers
with albuterol and every allergy pill she could take that would not make
her sleepy. I hated to see her taking these dangerous drugs. Finally she
became so desperate I got a call from her asking me to order ImmuneFX. It's
been 3 days since she started taking the pills and I just got a text from
her full of exclamation marks. She is 100% better!!!! The pills really
work, she texted me. I am so happy and I want to thank you for all the hard
work and passion you put into everything you do."