Subject: Last Call for FREE Chemist Lab Report: Crush High Blood Sugar!

There is no rulebook on parenting.

And if there were, my wife and I would debate it constantly.

We're no experts.

After having 4 kids, aged 4 to 18, we now know less than when
we started, if that's possible, which means we spent years
partaking in parenting techniques that flat-out-don't-work!

Some kids love loud music and a dad who raps.

Some kids hate loud music and dad who raps.

Some kids love tattoos on their parents.

Some kids hate tattoos on their parents.

Some kids need to be taught how to swim.

Some kids wonder "why the f@#k do you have to learn how to swim?"'s all a mystery.

As a father first, chemist, grappler, pilot and author I've accepted my fate
as a know-nothing dad. My goal is to simply be me and lead by example...

They can take it or leave it.

For instance, my own personal ethos is "try harder."

Doesn't matter if your shining shoes or redesigning a new electrostatic
propulsion system for must always try harder.

And with that, I set out to teach it to my oldest son, Blair, through the
art of soap making...yes, just like I started 5 years ago with my daughter
Lily - making soap the same way it was done thousands of years ago.

...perfect for a 14 year old to learn the family ethos of "try harder."

For the last 6 months, he's been "trying harder" to make charcoal
based soaps for athletes. Our story is at

There has been a lot of failure!!!

..and from that sprung big success - his third attempt worked. Then he
sold 80 bars in two days door-to-door. $$$$$$$$$$

I warned him..."when you try harder, you're going to starting reaching the
last mile. That's where you won't find anyone else. It's the hardest. People
quit well before they get there.

They're tired.

They're hungry.

They're lonely.

They quit.

Try harder and blast through the last mile and that's where your bounty
awaits! Once you're there, people will start telling you, "you're obsessed."

...that's when you know you're doin' sh#t right!

Try harder.

Be obsessed.

Those are the two ingredients might even take 12-15 hour
work days.

That's the formula. It works!

Everything in life has a formula.

As a chemist, I see everything through the lens of a FORMULA!

Just last week my wife and I celebrated our anniversary - together for
23 years! We planned an amazing dinner. I planned the perfect formula
to drink wine and not get a hangover...everything was calculated! I chose
the food, the wine, the water then timing, everything.

And it worked.

We partied like we were on a rock tour. I was up at 9am for breakfast and
a brisk jog.

...It's all about the formula!

I've used my formulas, too, it reverse the indiscriminate damage caused
by blood sugar!

Whether you have high blood sugar, insulin resistance or Type II diabetes,
you can use my formula to beat it.


But you have to actually WANT IT TO WORK AND TRY HARDER WHEN

The formula is a super-potent blend of true cinnamon and milk thistle.

And it works in a matter of 21 days!

It's called Cinnergy.

As a medicinal chemist, I formulated Cinnergy so that people could
ditch their diabetic meds!

...and even if they didn't, I made it so that it wouldn't have any
side effects or risky medication-interactions!

Running down to our last few hundred bottles, I'm on low stock! And
to push them out of the warehouse, I'm taking 15% off when you
buy 3 bottles! Plus I'm shipping for FREE and tossing in Lab Report #3,
which outlines how to crush VERY HIGH blood sugar using complimentary
products from Amazon PRIME!

The People's Chemist Lab Report 3 usually sells for $49.95 but is yours
FREE when you order a 3-pack of Cinnergy at


TPC Lab report 3 is a one-page PDF file CHEAT SHEET that outlines
what products to use and what to eat for breakfast if you're dead
set on REVERSING high blood sugar issues associated with INSULIN

Get it now simply by adding 3 Cinnergy to your cart at

Dare to live young and start TRYING HARDER!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy is the purest form of cinnamon and milk thistle extract...
and the ABSOLUTE most INEXPENSIVE! Get 15% off when you buy
3 and get my TPC Lab Report 3 totally FREE (49.95 Value) when you
order today at - 1 HOUR LEFT!