Subject: Last Call: Win FREE Supplements for 60 Days!

"You'll Never Be Out Hustled"
(Win 60 Days Worth Of FREE Supplements!
Start This Week, LAST CALL!)

My high school wrestling coach, Manny Martinez, 85 yo. 

He was lifting weights at the gym. 

Job well done!

He taught me that you can fail a background check, a urine test, and even a “personality test” (LOL), and still BECOME the best version of yourself.

You just have to grow horns and charge through the obstacles like a bull on meth who sees every opportunity as a red muleta.

Despite all the chaos and trouble I created as a teen, coach would insist, “I’m not mad at you. Just keep showing up.”

Even if I was academically ineligible to compete, which was two years straight, he encouraged me to just show up to practice anyway. 

If it was a holiday with a million distractions, he'd tell me to show up!  

If I was sick, show up! 

 If I was injured, show up!

In time, I grew my own horns.

“…Your biggest victories come right after your biggest losses,” he would insist.

That was 30 years ago.

...and once I got my wrestling scholarship, he told me, "It's because you'll never be out hustled."

Since then, I’ve gone on to charge even bigger challenges. 

All of them proved to me that I was pretty terrible at everything, from the start. 

 Just like wrestling - My first year I lost every match - all 32 of them.

Like anything I've ever tried, people would hint, “maybe it’s just not your thing.”

“Well, f@#k what people think.”

I vowed to keep hustling. 

At the very least, I was going to find resolve in improving at least 1%.

It’s better than quitting. 

And ever since, these hard lessons have led to my best life - double major in chemistry and biology, 2 X Howard Hughes Research award recipient, masters degree in medicinal chemistry and graduate student of the year...Amazon bestseller...Masters IBJJF world champion...

Thank you coach. I miss you dearly and love you.

Fact: You can either be a loser, and quit. Or, be loser who always shows up.

And to be quite F@#CKING honest:

You can either be obese, and live like that forever - always knowing you're shortening your lifespan. 

Or, be obese and actually acknowledging you need to do something about it!

That's the difference. 

Our body is a physical manifestation of how we think, period!

And sure, most obese people today have LOSSED at every weight loss plan they've tried.

That's because you've been lied to and manipulated by the nutrition industry, the medical community and even your parents, who never once thought about how to protect your HORMONES!

So if you're someone who's been losing, you're 100% closer to winning than you would ever know.

I can write 5 F@#CKING books on hormones and how they've been sabotaged, ruined and manipulated from cradle to grave...and still, the mentally obese person would not dare lift a finger to read a single page...

So those books will never be written.

=====> Instead, if you "think" lean, mean and f@#cking driven, then you can start using my Hormone Intelligence Therapy plan RIGHT now to start mastering you hormones for fat loss, muscle building and more energy.

It's a NO FAIL 30 Day Program!

Step 1: Download my FREE 18 Minute Workout App and do it Monday through Friday.

Step 2: Take 1 Thermo FX before each workout

Step 3: Take 1-2 Cinnergy on weekends

Step 4: Sleep nightly with Serotonin FX

Step 5: Don't eat anything sweet

Step 6: Never drink calories

Step 7: Send me your before and after over 30 Days. If you have shed your DEAD WEIGHT, I'll send you a complimentary 60 days worth of supplements, a FREE TPC hoodie and a months supply of Castile Soap! 

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist 

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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