Subject: ~Last Call: Tried Everything in Fat Loss? (PIC!)

How To Escape A Guillotine...Like Escaping Obesity!
(Last Call Sale!)
The number of people who email me saying they've "tried everything to be healthy" is astonishing. Without exception, these are the same people who throw up their hands and insist, "Nothing works." 

God himself could hand them the ultimate health solution on a silver platter…and these people would still find reason to lament.

It's become so common, I delete the emails before I finish them.

"Nothing works" is code for "I take zero responsibility for my health and am just looking for the next target to blame."

How could anyone have "tried everything" in this massive, infinite universe?

Here's a tip: If EVERYTHING you did failed…it's because you tried all the wrong sh#t and gave up. 

At the very least, own that.

I can't help but think that somewhere along the line, these people never learned to grind. They were taught to quit too soon.

Today, most people just let themselves be programmed to lose. Everywhere you look, there's a sea of complacent losers swimming in their own self-created misery - complaining 24/7 but can't be bothered to change a thing. (It's easier to bitch on Facebook and distract yourself with selfies.)

A few years ago, my son, Blair, competed in a jiu-jitsu tournament. After hitting a double leg takedown in the first 2 seconds, he got caught in a Guillotine choke. A tap out looked imminent.

The Guillotine is one of the simplest and most cunning of chokes in grappling. Your neck gets firmly locked, noose-tight, inside your opponent's death grip…But if you have enough heart to keep trying, the Guillotine has weaknesses to exploit.

Big Pharma currently has millions of Americans in a prescription drug "Guillotine." It knows that most people will give up and "tap out" before figuring shit out...and take more meds to mask side-effects while enriching their pill masters.

As a medicinal chemist and author, I've watched people refuse to read a book and literally die from self-inflicted Type II diabetes. Same thing with cancer and obesity…people give THEMSELVES cancer and obesity, by tolerating their own ignorance. 

This is the same as tapping out.

Signs of ill health show themselves years before it's "too late." If you take the time to educate yourself, you'll see that poor health is reversible. You can change your fate, long before your declining health is irreversible.

You don't need a single drug to fix "irreversible damage." That's right — no thin piece of paper to carry to your dutifully over-worked, stressed out pharmacist…no orange bottles stapled into that white paper bag, no side effects to endure, no co-pays…no meds, period.

Imagine a life free from all that sh#t.

Unfortunately, pill pushers know you'll tap out long before attempting to figure this stuff out. They know you'll simply act on a drug ad over reading a book. They know you'll run to a doctor before reading a food label.

This business model of "profiting off the dumb" was devised before any one of us were born…hell, most people don't even know they're suffocating from a Big Pharma Guillotine right now, as we speak. (If you're on ANY prescription drug — even hormonal birth control! — you're caught in a guillotine!)

Cinched up, Blair knew instantly he was in deep water. He held his breath to buy 30 seconds. Outside of that, it's either tap or snap. He went into the "tripod" position. Stacked up high, his shoulder pressed the air out of his opponent, giving him a dose of his own medicine. Reaching behind his assailant's neck, Blair stacked hard enough to break the grip.

He was out and breathing! But he knew the fight was still ahead, as you can see in his eyes.

For most people who refuse to find a better way, this kind of victory in defeat usually doesn't happen. I decided long ago to never waste a single second on these people…not worth my time to even care about it.

If you can't read a f@#ing book, how am I supposed to help you?

No thanks.

With little time left, Blair escaped…but ultimately he didn't get his hand raised in victory. But that's not what mattered. What mattered is that he walked away having learned a valuable life lesson — it's better to try and lose, than to NOT try at all and tap out, because when you give up, you neither win or live.

He'll carry this wisdom into his adult years. And in time as his character develops, he'll respect the daily effort required to never fear the fight. The meaning of sacrifice and the reason for it will always supersede mere winning and losing. And that alone will prevent him from ever failing while insisting, "I've tried everything!"

Honestly, if any of my kids ever told me they "tried everything," they'd get a well-executed spanking. Highly defined boundaries that bring healthy discipline when crossed are mandatory for raising kids who don't whine, act-out and become government slaves waiting for the next medical, insurance welfare program to hook them on drugs for life.

Today, Big Pharma has you imprisoned from cradle to grave - vaccines for the young, hospice for the old.

Doctors present their drugs as "solutions" to your health problems, despite mile-long lists of side effects and decades of proven failure.

…And the poor Americans who refuse to figure this out are doomed. Un-doom yourself by ditching meds and learning what it takes to have great health WITHOUT drugs.

The prescription drugs in your blood will outlive your bones. And most people accept this as "trying everything."

It's not.

If you want to ditch the meds, ditch the obesity and ditch all the complications that come with it, time to sign up for my no-excuses fat loss offer!

To overcome belly fat, you need to master your hormone balance, output and sensitivity (BOS)! 

And since not a single fad diet today address’s the assault on your hormones, not a single one can help you.

You need my 90-Day, Hormone Intelligence
Therapy (HIT) package!

Anyone can overcome obesity with HIT.

HIT gives you everything you need to master your hormones with 6 simple habits!

These 6 simple habits are programmed into your daily life so you never have to dread another diet again!  Once applied your hormone BOS springs to life so you have hormone intelligence!

When your body has “hormone intelligence,” it means that you are producing just the right amounts of each hormone and that these hormones
are perfectly balanced in relation to one another.

-------> HIT is a 90 day program that uses 6 simple habits that are proven to master your hormones once and for all. And for a limited time you can get it for just over $1 per day:

*The package gives you 20% off: 

- My Yerba-mate based Thermo FX to activate fat metabolism during the day, 

- Thermo FX PM for better digestion

- My deep sleep pill, Serotonin FX, 

... I'm also tossing in my Diet Book as well as 8 Weight Loss Lies That Can Permanently Harm You audio CD absolutely FREE of charge! 


Once you control these key hormones as a HIT Man or HIT Woman, your entire hormonal chain of command – like an orchestra playing in perfect
unison – will be in your hands.

You will be able to harness your own internal pharmacy to produce weapons of fat destruction and optimal genetic expression to fight back against

By re-programming your hormonal chemistry, you can easily transform your body into a perpetual fat-burning, muscle building machine and reclaim your
youthful fitness and vitality.

It doesn’t matter how old or out of shape you might be at the moment. You can still have the body you used to have... or the body you always wished
you had. And the changes can begin within days!

-------> HIT is a 90 day program that uses 6 simple habits that are proven to master your hormones once and for all. And for a limited time you can get it for just over $1 per day:

*The package gives you 20% off (about $1 per day!):

- My Yerba-mate based Thermo FX to activate fat metabolism during the day,

- Thermo FX PM for better digestion

- My deep sleep pill, Serotonin FX,

... I'm also tossing in my Diet Book as well as 8 Weight Loss Lies That Can Permanently Harm You audio CD absolutely FREE of charge!

Less than ONE HOUR LEFT:


Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. This is the absolute best way to take charge of your weight in 90 days!

It's also the best way to get tons of FREE educational material and 20% off ALL OF MY BEST SELLING FAT LOSS PRODUCTS! Just over $1 per day, nobody is left out:
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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