Subject: Last Call Friday Sale!


I received a torrent of hate mail regarding the dangers of
almond milk and it's ability to put people into The Fat Cow
Hall of Fame.

"My chiropractor recommended Almond Milk due to low
thyroid and I've never felt better...You're the crank! I'm
removing myself from your list," was a typical response...

So, keep drinking it! I don't care if you drink bull semen from a chicken's
a$$. Nor do I care if you read my emails or buy my products. I live
the lifestyle of the not-so-rich-or-famous and happen to love it, with
or without you.

My message to these small people from dark
corners of the internet: Leave me the f@#k alone, you're
not relevant to me or anyone else.

Don't ever shoot the messenger. He will kick your A$$...

Meanwhile, yesterday's email uncovering the greatest
fraud in human history - covering up chemotherapy deaths
with cancer - got very little attention.

Yawn. Stretch...I wonder what Bruce Jenner is wearing...

Killing millions of people per year while banking billions doesn't
seem to matter nearly as much as the risks associated with
drinking white corn syrup labeled as nutty milk...or what guys who
dress up as girls are wearing...You're all nuts.

For the rest of you, this is really a courtesy email about the
final hours of my Friday Sale.

Buy my safe multi-vitamin, Daily Dose, and get my audio
CD - 8 Weight Loss Lies That Can Harm You Permanently - FREE!

Daily Dose is loaded with curcumin and more (it wards off cancer
if you're at all interested)...The diet CD ensures that
you don't eat yourself into an early grave courtesy of sham diets.

No pill can stop the abuse of a bad diet, so it's kinda important that these
two go together...ya think?

Hurry and get it here:

Dare to live smart and young,

The People's Chemist