Subject: ~Last Call: Any 3 Bottles 15% Off!

For the first time in almost 20 years I'm offering 15% off
any 3 products at

Simply use the coupon code: fightpharma

Hurry though! It ends in just a couple hours!

As The People's Chemist, I've been producing the world's purest
and most effective botanical medicines for almost 20 years!

If you're fighting pain, blood clots, poor sleep, obesity, diabetes or
poor cardiovascular health, I've got you covered!!!!

As a former medicinal chemist for Big Pharma, I set out to offer the
purest products from nature, so you could ditch the meds and
live young!

Sadly, most families today are being lulled into buying ineffective and even
dangerous nutritional supplements, with products that:

- Lack the active ingredients required for medicinal value

- Lack the therapeutic dose for a biological response

- Are loaded with toxic fillers and adulterants

- And most tragic, in one of the biggest heists in pharmaceutical history,
Big Pharma has stolen the real nutrients from supplement bottles and
replaced them with nutritional counterfeits labeled as vitamin D, vitamin
E, beta carotene, and more.

With this, Big Pharma has done a classic bait-and-switch. To profit from
growing supplement sales, they’ve cooked up drugs that are similar to
“vitamins” and labeled them nutritional supplements. Moms taking
prenatal vitamins – chock full of folic acid, vitamin D and more man-made
crap – are most at risk, as highlighted in Chapter 13 of my best selling
book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded.

How can families navigate the health maze and choose pills that have proper
QC? As “The People’s Chemist,” I’ve used state- of-the-art
chemistry methods along with rigid standards to outline 8 characteristics
of “the right supplement.”

This supplement should have the following QC standards:

- Be backed by science and years of successful use; no new fads

- Not be adulterated with fillers such as sugar (dextrose), artificial
flavors, soy or vegetable oil, and preservatives

- Have verifiable purity via a certificate of analysis (COA) to show actives
and adulterants

- Be manufactured under good manufacturing practices (GMP) approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration

- Provide the proper, natural form of a plant, herb, or nutrient, as
warranted by science, to support intake of essential nutrients, not
inferior isolates or synthetic mimics like vitamin D, folic acid, vitamin
E, and beta-carotene, Co-Q10 – common to multivitamins.

- Target a specific action (like anti-inflammation, pain, lower blood
pressure, anti-clot, controlled blood sugar) to elicit a positive outcome
(like reduced heart-attack risk or reversal of Type II diabetes) so users
can monitor measurable results

- Not interfere with prescription drugs

- Help you feel vibrantly healthy within thirty days

The only way to make a truly healthy, “good” pill is to keep Big Pharma
copycats, adulterants, toxins, inactive compounds and preservatives out of
the capsule.

And this can only be assured with good QC, which is exactly what I obsess
over as The People's Chemist...

Start protecting your health and save big now with the coupon code:


Put it to use now at

Offer ends in only a matter of hours!

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Short time to save 15% on any 3 bottles at
Use coupon code fightpharma at checkout!